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What is Keloid? Diagnosis | Cause | Treatment | Homeopathic Medicine

Keloid is a vascular hypertrophic scar. It is actually a form of soft fibroma, prone to recurrence, and is different from a usual hypertrophic scar.  Diagnostic point : Scar raised above the surface and widened. Claw like processes spreading out from the margins. Red or pink coloured. A symptom of intense itching. Firm inconsistency. Margin may be tender in a growing keloid.  Predisposing causes : Site of scar: Example - Vertical scar in neck and ear. Nature: Vaccination scar and burns are prone to keloid formation.  Race: Negroes are common sufferers.  Common in T.B. patients. Pregnant state: Sometimes keloid formation is common after operation or wounds occurring during pregnancy.   Treatment : Preoperative deep therapy is followed by excision of the keloid and skin grafting, if skin edges can't be brought together without tension.  Postoperative deep X-ray should be started, when the skin graft has taken.  All these measures are

What is Scar wound? Complications | Effects | Cause | Diagnosis | Treatment

A scar is a result of abnormal healing of wound with a mass of devascularised fibrous tissue covered by a single layer of epithelium, which contains no skin appendages or no lymphatics. During the process of healing the blood vessels are constructed by the collagen fibre of the fibroblasts, hence the scar is relatively avascular.  Complications : 1. Contracture and deformity  Scar contracts to one-third of its original length.  Effects :  1. Deformity: Especially of flexor surface of joints.  2. Limitation of joint movement : False ankylosis  Predisposing cause : Infection  burns  Treatment : Preventive :  Splinting and early skin graft.  Curative :  Gradually stretching  Excision and followed by a skin graft. Pedicle graft can only prevent subsequent contracture and at times Thiersch graft is better avoided. Z plastic with rearrangement of scar lines.  2. Keloid  Keloid is a vascular hypertrophic scar. It is actually a form o

Difference between hypertrophic scar and keloid

Hypertrophic scar : Scar not raised or only minimally raised above skin surface as the overgrowth of scar tissue is confined to skin edges. The scar crossing normal skin creases or Langer's line is susceptible to become hypertrophic. Margins do not tender to touch and the patient may not have itching. Histologically no eosinophilic hyaline collagen fibres. Keloid : As overgrowth of fibrous tissue extends beyond the original wound into the normal tissues-scar is raised well beyond the skin surface. Predisposing factors are Negro race, Tuberculosis, pregnancy state, scars over certain parts of the body like anterior chest wall, ear lobule, and post-burn scars. Margins tender and itching is very common. Characteristically seen in histopathological slides showing eosinophilic hyaline-like collagen fibres.

Bismuthum Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica Bismuthum Common name: Hydrated oxide of bismuth - B12 O3 OH2, Precipitated subnitrate of bismuth Founder: Hahnemann Miasm: Psora and syphilis Introduction:  It is a metal It mostly uses for stomach problem The chief action of this drug is catarrhal inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal Mind  Nervous system Clinical:   Acidity Cholera Cough Diarrhoea Delirium Headache  Gangrene Mind:   Desire to company always Great anguish and restlessness Solitude is unbearable is most imp symptoms Complain about his condition.Discontented Notice in children who hold mother’s hand for company and would not let her go away  He sits, walks and then lies, never remain for long in one place Delirium tremens with loss of consciousness Mental apathy with insensibility Mental complaint aggravate in summer, heat, abdominal operation Mouth:  Tooth pain better by cold water in the mouth Gums swo

Robinia Pseudoacacia Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica Robinia pseudoacacia Common name: Yellow locust Founder:  Burt Introduction:   Medicine prepare form locust tree. Tincher prepare from fresh bark of the young twigs. Indigenous to the southern part of united state This medicine for hyperchlorhydria In the case of albuminoid digestion is too rapid and starch digestion is prevented.  Gastric symptoms with the most pronounced acidity The acidity of Robina is accompanied by frontal headache Acrid eructation Acrid and Green is vomiting Colic and flatulence Nocturnal burning pain in the stomach Constipation with urgent Desire Acidity in children Sour stool and preparation. Imprisoned flatus Head: Throbbing, dull frontal pain Aggravate by motion and reading Gastric headache  Headache with acid vomiting Stomach: Heavy, dull aching Nausea Sour eructation Great distension of the stomach and bowel Profuse vomiting of an intensely sour fluid  Flatulent colic

How do you prevent Herpes?

You can take care to help to prevent and avoid getting genital herpes or any other sexually transmitted infection. Safe sex Use condoms  Take antiviral medicine  Take care during pregnancy Ask your doctor if you have been suffered to genital herpes or have had an outbreak in the past. Eat viral fighting foods like apple, pears, figs, apricots, mangoes. Eat vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, beans. beats. Herpes blisters can be related to an imbalance of the acid-base relationship so that drinking more lemon water and reducing caffeine can help to improve your alkaline pH levels which tone down the nasty effects of an acidic pH. Wash your hands after using the bathroom or having any contact with blisters or sores.  Notes: Last point  is especially important for people who is caring for babies? Acidic foods to avoid : Junk and processed food  Caffeine Alcohol  Added sugar  Excessive red meat consumption Home treatme

Herpes virus | Types | Symptoms | Cause | Diagnosis

The herpes simplex virus is also known as HSV is a contagious virus too. Because of infection of HSV virus causes herpes.  Herpes can appear in various parts of the body. There is mainly two types of herpes simplex virus. HSV-1 HSV-2 HSV-1 also known as oral herpes, this type of virus can cause cold sores and fever. and it mostly appears around the mouth and face. Children will often contract HSV-1 from early contact with an infected adult.   Oral herpes involves the face or mouth. It may result in small blisters in a group often called fever blister or cold sore.  The HSV-2 virus is generally responsible for  genital herpes outbreaks. Genital herpes simply is known as herpes may have minimal symptoms or form a blister that breaks open and results lead to small ulcers too. They both are transmitted by direct contact with body fluids or lesions of an infected individual. Transmission may still occur when symptoms are not present. Worldwide rates of either HSV-