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Showing posts with the label Medicine

Homoeopathic medicine for dreams

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of various dreams. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for dreams : Dreams of snakes - Lac Caninum, Argentum Nitricum Dreams of a thief - Natrum Muriaticum Dreams of water - Pulsatilla Nigra Dreams of fire - Rhus Toxicodendron Dreams of death - Thuja Occidentalis Dreams of insects - Nux Vomica  Dreams of a daily routine - Bryonia Alba  Dreams of business matters he forgets during the day - Selenium Metallicum Dreams of death person - Lachesis, Arsenicum Album Fantastic, pleasant dreams - Opium Dreams of flying through the air - ...

Homoeopathic medicine for position of sleep

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of sleep position. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for sleep position : Must lie in knee-chest position - Medorrhinum Must lie on the back - Arsenicum Album Must lie on back with thighs, drawn upon the abdomen, hands above head, disposition to uncover lower limb - Platanus Occidentalis Must lie on belly - Acidum Aceticum Must lie on hand and knee - Cina  Must lie with hand overhead - Nux Vomica Must lie with a hand under the head - Colocynthis Must lie with leg apart - Chamomilla Must lie with a leg across - Rhododendron Must lie ...

Homeopathic medicine for migraine

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of migraine. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for migraine : Headache in the left side - Spigelia Anthelmia Pain in right side - Sanguinaria Canadensis Pain in both side - Silicea Terra Pain relief after vomiting - Iris Versicolor Headache in a small spot - Kalium Bichromicum Headache with nausea and vomiting - Ipecacuanha Headache in different part pain chang in place - Pulsatilla Nigra Headache aggravate in the sun and bright light -  Glonoine

Homeopathic medicine for Allergy

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of allergy. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for various allergy : Allergy to Glutamate -  Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus Allergy to Grass, fresh-cut - Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla Nigra, Sabadilla Allergy to Grass pollens - Medorrhinum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Phosphorus, Senega Allergy to hair dyes - Sulpher, Tuberculinum Allergy to hazelnuts - Phosphorus Allergy to heat - Apis Mellifica Allergy to honey - Natrum Muriaticum Allergy to insect bite - Carbolic Acid, Apis Mellifica Allergy to meat - Natrum Muriaticum, Sulpher, Tuber...

Homoeopathic medicine for urticaria

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of cough. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for urticaria : In urticaria Blotch, red in the edge, white in the middle, burning, with sever itching - Urtica Urens In urticaria Blotch aggravate at 6 PM, feel like a bee sting - Apis Mellifica Urticaria aggravate by sore eating, indigestion - Antimonium Crudum  Urticaria in cold weather, and in the monsoon season - Dulcamara Urticaria by suppresses of malaria - Natrum Muriaticum Urticaria without itching - Uva Ursi Urticaria in pregnancy - Dolichos Puritans Urticaria with severe burning and r...

Homeopathic medicine for cough

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of cough. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for cough : Justicia Adhatoda : It is the best remedy for all type of cough The audible rattling of mucus in the chest Difficult expectoration Cough loosen only by repeated hawking Expectoration of tough, yellow mucus Dry spasmodic cough Sence of constriction Dyspnea associated with cough Whooping cough Cough with threatened suffocative feeling    Antimonium Tartaricum : Excellent mucus rattling but very little is expectorated Velvety feeling in the chest Burning sensation in the ch...

Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of psoriasis. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homeopathic medicine for psoriasis : Arsenicum album : Dry and scaly skin Burning Itching Great restless and weakness with prostration Oppression of breathing Aggravated by eating fruits and ice cream Ignatia Amara : Skin fissured and irritable Irregular psoriatic patches on the knees and elbows Patches covered with shining scales Arsenicum Iodatum : Dry scaly burning itching eruption on various part Persistent itching on the back In obstinate case Dry skin Hydrocotyle : Psoriasis of soles, pal...

Homeopathic medicine for chikungunya

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of chikungunya. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homeopathic medicine for chikungunya : Homoeopathic medicine for chikungunya  in the different condition is following below. Eupatorium perf : Thirst with fever All joints are swelling Painful joint Muscles pain Bone pain general to sever Soreness with periodicity Wonderful homeopathic medicine for all joint and muscles pain develops with any febrile condition Bodyache  Soreness of flesh Headache Soreness of eyeball Periodicity Cinchona Officinalis : Great debility Trembling of extremities All joints are...

Homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis

Homoeopathic medicine for tonsillitis in different condition are following below : BELLADONNA : Tonsils are enlarged with redness Burning Dryness Sense of constriction  Symptoms on the right-sided BARYTA CARBONICA : The most prominent remedy for acute tonsillitis. Smarting pain when swallowing Can swallow only liquids Every cold settles in the tonsils and causes inflammation Symptoms appearing on the right side PHYTOLACCA : Especially indicated in the follicular form pain at the root of the tongue Pain extending to the ears when swallowing  The part is dark blue The tonsils are large and blue There is intense dryness Smarting and burning in the throat GUAIACUM : One of the most use full remedy at the commencement of an attack Especially catarrhal tonsillitis  Violent burning Headache Throat hot aggravate chill Aching in back  Pain in limbs Abscesses from quickly FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM : Chronic enlarge hyperaemic tonsils  ...

Homeopathic medicine for insomnia

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of insomnia. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for insomnia : Homeopathic medicine for insomnia in the different condition is following below.  If you are grieving over the death of a friend, family member, full of tormenting thought, feeling dejected and depressed.if had an unfortunate love affair - Ignatia If you are restless, feverish, full of fear of the unknown, feeling sensitive and apprehensive - Aconite For the age who find sleep evasive for no apparent reason - Passiflora If you are a week, nervous. sleeplessness from business worries and ...

Homoeopathic medicine for alopecia

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of alopecia. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for alopecia : Homoeopathic medicine for alopecia in the different condition is following below. Hair falling especially after childbirth, or severe illness - Carbo vegetabilis Hair falling during pregnancy - Sepia Hair falls out easily. Hair falls when touched and combed. this is frequently seen in nursing mothers. - Natrum muriaticum Premature alopecia - Silicea Bald spots on the side of the head - Graphitis The baldness of the whole head, eyebrows, eyelashes and other parts of the body - selenium...