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Homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis

Homoeopathic medicine for tonsillitis in different condition are following below :

  • Tonsils are enlarged with redness
  • Burning
  • Dryness
  • Sense of constriction 
  • Symptoms on the right-sided
  • The most prominent remedy for acute tonsillitis.
  • Smarting pain when swallowing
  • Can swallow only liquids
  • Every cold settles in the tonsils and causes inflammation
  • Symptoms appearing on the right side
  • Especially indicated in the follicular form
  • pain at the root of the tongue
  • Pain extending to the ears when swallowing 
  • The part is dark blue
  • The tonsils are large and blue
  • There is intense dryness
  • Smarting and burning in the throat
  • One of the most use full remedy at the commencement of an attack
  • Especially catarrhal tonsillitis 
  • Violent burning
  • Headache
  • Throat hot aggravate chill
  • Aching in back 
  • Pain in limbs
  • Abscesses from quickly
  • Chronic enlarge hyperaemic tonsils 
  • Smooth swelling 
  • Tonsillitis with bad breath 
  • Painful when swallowing
  • profuse perspiration
  • Blush red swelling in the throat
  • Aggravation by the change of weather
  • Increase salivation in the mouth
  • Pain in throat 
  • Drink a sip of water after a small interval
  • Restlessness
  • Thirst
  • Hot food and hot drink relieve the pain
  • Pus formation in the tonsils
  • Sensitive and intense pain
  • cold water and slight cold air can cause tonsil
  • Splinter like pain in the throat when swallowing
  • Infected tonsillitis
  • Recurrent tonsillitis
  • Constant inclination to swallow
  • Feel lump in the throat
  • Relief from a cold drink
  • Right-sided tonsilitis
  • Left-sided tonsilitis
  • With dark red fauces on left side
  • Tendency to hawk
  • Left side purplish tonsil
  • Difficulty in swallow liquid
  • Pain aggravated by a hot drink
  • Right-sided tonsils
  • Ulcer formation on right side tonsil
  • Aggravate by a cold drink
  • Hot drink relieve pain
  • Chronic tonsillitis 
  • Fatty person but week in stamina
  • large tonsils
  • Cold think to affect easily
  • Red patches on the throat
  • Choking feeling on throat because covering the tonsil

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