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Showing posts with the label Disease

What is Psoriasis? Definition, Cause, Types, Symptoms, Homeopathic Medicine

Definition : It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin which causes red, elevated patches of skin that can surface anywhere of the body. Causes : Poor diet Abnormal small intestine permeability Emotional stress Hormonal changes Difficulty digesting protein Genetics Vitamin d deficiency Poor liver function An increasing number of T cell in the blood, dermis and epidermis Smoking Cold weather Heavy alcohol consumption Types of psoriasis : Plaque psoriasis : Most common form Causes red scaly skin patches Nail or scalp psoriasis Affect the nail beds and head Causing dryness and detached nail Mild psoriasis : Causes less severe psoriasis symptoms than other form and might be mistaken for eczema or even dandruff Severe psoriasis A term is usually given to a painful form of psoriasis including pustular and  guttate psoriasis Pustular psoriasis Cause pus-filled inflamed blister on the skin that are usually painful Guttate p...

What is tonsillitis? Definition, Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Homeopathic Medicine

Definition It is a condition in which there is inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. Cause Infection of tonsils Viral and bacterial infection  Taking cold drnik and food Symptoms of tonsillitis Fever with chill Painful swollen tonsils Sore throat Difficulty in swallowing  Redness surrounding the tonsils and throat Tender lymph nodes on the sides of the throat and neck Pain in ears and neck Loss of appetite Nausea and vomiting  Bad breath  Headache Changes in the ability to talk Painful blister or ulcer on the throat Loss of voice White or yellow coating on the throat  Diagnosis Physical examination of patient's throat Sometime throat swab may b obtain Homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis Belladonna  Baryta carbonica Phytollaca Guaiacum Ferrum phosphoricum Merc sol Arsenicum album Hepar sulph Streptoccinum Merc iodatus flav Merc iodatus ruber Lycopodium clavatum Calcarea carbonica

What is Chikungunya? Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Homeopathic Medicine

It is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It is caused by alpha virus. The name comes from a word in african language " kimakonde"  means  "bent over in pain". It describe the stooped appearance of persons suffering with severe joint pain.  It transmitted by the female aedes aegyph mosquitoes. This mosquitoes bite mainly during day and rest in dark corners. Incubation period :  Within a week How it spread :  The Aedes aegypti mosquito gets infected by biting the chikungunya patient in the first week of illness. After about eight to ten days of incubation ,the infected mosquito is capable of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life. only the aedes aegypti mosquito that has bitten an infected person can pick up the virus and transmitted to another person. aedes aegypti is a day time biter with peak activity in the late afternoon 4 tp 6 p.m. Symptoms : Eye infection Rashes on trunk,limbs, face, palms, and ...

Dengue fever definition | Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Definition : Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by dengue virus which belongs to the family Flaviviridae. These mosquitoes are then transmitting the virus to humans. The virus that causes dengue is called an arbovirus. These viruses are 4 distinct types named DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. A prevalence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus together with the circulation of dengue virus.   In simple words it is a viral infection caused by four distinct viruses we can see above occurs through mosquito bites. Incubation Period : 2 to 7 days Symptoms : Mild dengue fever : Usually, begin four to six days after infection and it lasts up to 10 days. Some common symptoms are following below : Primary symptoms of dengue appear three to five days after the mosquito bite. Sudden high fever Chill Severe headache  Vomiting  Fatigue Nausea  Extreme weakness Red-eye  Mild bleeding   Pain : Severe joint and muscles pain ...

What is Infertility? Definition, Classification, Cause, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Acute otitis externa is the acute inflammation of the external auditory canal. It may be generalised or localised.  The localised variety presents as a furuncle in the ear. The generalized type may be infiltrative with thickening of tissues or it may be desquamative.  Aetiology : It occurs at any age. Water entering the ear may carry with it organisms which may cause acute otitis externa.  Damp climate may also cause it.  Scratching the ear causes abrasions which may get infected.  Discharge from the middle ear may cause a secondary infection of the external auditory canal.  Diabetes may cause severe otitis externa which is very painful and also leads to paralysis.  Pathology : A furuncle is usually a staphylococcal infection affecting a hair follicle or a sebaceous gland.  Generalized otitis externa is the result of staphylococcal, streptococcal or gram-negative bacillary infection. Symptoms : Pain in the presenting...

Keratosis obturans | Definition | Aetiology | Clinical features | Treatment

Definition : Keratosis obturans is a rare external auditory canal disease. It is seen as a pearly white mass surrounded by granulations which can cause absorption of bone of the external auditory meatus due to pressure. It may be unilateral or bilateral. Accumulation of keratin debris deeper within the external auditory canal, which may cause inflamed epithelium and bone remodelling. Aetiology : Age :  It is usually between 15 to 20 years. Association :  Bronchiectasis. Chronic paranasal sinus disease. Clinical Features : Severe pain. Deafness is present. Otorrhoea may occur. External auditory canal shows acute otitis externa . Facial palsy is rarely present. Conductive hearing loss. Treatment : Usually treated by EAC toilet: For removal of the keratin plug Rarely needs surgical intervention. Granulation tissue may be managed by removal, cauterization, or the use of topical steroid drops.

Eczematous Otitis Externa | Definition | Clinical Features | Treatment

Definition : This is one type of allergic dermatitis of the external auditory canal of the ear.  Clinical Features : Irritation and oedema of the canal may occur. Weeping eczema with crusting occurs in chronic cases. Secondary infection may lead to acute otitis externa .  Stenosis gradually occurs, due to oedema and fibrosis.  Fissuring and scaling of the external canal at the entrance is the result of a chronic allergy. Treatment : 1. Acute stage : Steroids applied locally are very helpful. Antibiotics are administered locally and systemically. Antihistamines are prescribed.  2. Chronic stage : The steroid with antibiotics is very helpful.  10 % of silver nitrate is applied to fissures. Dilatation of stenosis by indwelling polyethene tubes or plastic surgery may be required.

Otomycosis | Aetiology | Pathology | Symptoms | Treatment

Otomycosis is one type of fungus infection. It becomes very common in the rainy season. It is a very painful infection accompanied by itching. It is an otitis externa caused by the fungus.  Aetiology : Moisture: Water entering the ear, as a result of swimming or taking a bath, may carry the fungus into the ear. The fungus gets implanted in the skin of the ear canal and grows luxuriously, as humidity is provided by water and heat is provided by the body.  Antibiotics: Prolonged use of antibiotics drops kills the bacteria, thus fungus may start growing unhindered. Causative organisms: Aspergillus niger is one of the commonest fungus causing the infection. Monilial and other fungal infections which affect the skin may also be responsible.  Pathology : The fungus tends to invade the deep layers of the skin, and hence the treatment should be given for a long time, till the fungus extending into the deeper layers of the skin has been cleared up. Secondary bacteri...

What is Prolapse? Definition | Cause | Classification | Clinical Features | Diagnosis | Treatment

Definition : Herniation or protrusion of a pelvic organ into or out of vaginal canal call the prolapse. Cause : Atonicity or asthenia following menopause is most an important factor of prolapse.  During menopause most of the women's pelvic muscle and the ligament that support genital tract become slack and atony because of deficiency of oestrogen.  Major or minor degree prolapse can occur soon after childbirth which can be improved by pelvic floor muscle exercised. A birth injury like obtaining or tear cause anonymity.  Delivery at home by untrained dai who ask a female to bear down before full dilatation of the cervix.  The prolonged second stage of labour which stretching of uterosacral ligament.  Ventous extraction of a foetus before full dilatation of cervix without any application of forceps.  False method of a downward vigorous push to the uterus to expel placenta. Laceration of the perianal body during c...

Acute Otitis Externa | Aetiology | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment | Prevention

Acute otitis externa is the acute inflammation of the external auditory canal. It may be generalised or localised.  The localised variety presents as a furuncle in the ear. The generalized type may be infiltrative with thickening of tissues or it may be desquamative.  Aetiology : It occurs at any age. Water entering the ear may carry with it organisms which may cause acute otitis externa.  Damp climate may also cause it.  Scratching the ear causes abrasions which may get infected.  Discharge from the middle ear may cause a secondary infection of the external auditory canal.  Diabetes may cause severe otitis externa which is very painful and also leads to paralysis.  Pathology : A furuncle is usually a staphylococcal infection affecting a hair follicle or a sebaceous gland.  Generalized otitis externa is the result of staphylococcal, streptococcal or gram-negative bacillary infection. Symptoms : Pain in the presenting...

What is Uterine fibroid? Definition | Cause | Types | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment

Definition : It is benign of tumour or growth arising from the muscular layer of the uterus with intervening fibrous tissue. Cause : Age :  Seen after menarche to menopause. Average - 30 to 35 years. Rare - before puberty and after menopause. Hereditary : History of tumour in the family.  Parity : Common in nulliparous. Mechanical stress : Fibromsculor reaction of the uterus to mechanical stress.  Ovarian function : Not clear but the oestrogen is responsible for the growth of fibroid so during pregnancy fibroid increase in size and reduces after menopause.  OCP ( Oral Contraceptive Pills ) Types of fibroid :  Uterine fibroid : 1. Corporeal fibroid : Interstitial  Subserous  Submucous  2. Cervical fibroid : Interstitial or Intramural fibroid : Growth of fibroid in myometrium may push itself to form submucous or subserous. Commonest variety. A posterior wall more affect...