- It is a condition in which there is inflammation and swelling of the tonsils.
- Infection of tonsils
- Viral and bacterial infection
- Taking cold drnik and food
- Fever with chill
- Painful swollen tonsils
- Sore throat
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Redness surrounding the tonsils and throat
- Tender lymph nodes on the sides of the throat and neck
- Pain in ears and neck
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Bad breath
- Headache
- Changes in the ability to talk
- Painful blister or ulcer on the throat
- Loss of voice
- White or yellow coating on the throat
- Physical examination of patient's throat
- Sometime throat swab may b obtain
- Belladonna
- Baryta carbonica
- Phytollaca
- Guaiacum
- Ferrum phosphoricum
- Merc sol
- Arsenicum album
- Hepar sulph
- Streptoccinum
- Merc iodatus flav
- Merc iodatus ruber
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Calcarea carbonica