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What is Chikungunya? Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Homeopathic Medicine

It is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.
It is caused by alpha virus.
The name comes from a word in african language "kimakonde" means "bent over in pain".
It describe the stooped appearance of persons suffering with severe joint pain. 
It transmitted by the female aedes aegyph mosquitoes.
This mosquitoes bite mainly during day and rest in dark corners.

Incubation period : 

  • Within a week

How it spread : 

  • The Aedes aegypti mosquito gets infected by biting the chikungunya patient in the first week of illness.
  • After about eight to ten days of incubation ,the infected mosquito is capable of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life.
  • only the aedes aegypti mosquito that has bitten an infected person can pick up the virus and transmitted to another person.
  • aedes aegypti is a day time biter with peak activity in the late afternoon 4 tp 6 p.m.

Symptoms :

  • Eye infection
  • Rashes on trunk,limbs, face, palms, and feet.
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Muscles pain
  • Severe joint pain.
  • Fever up to 104 f
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Severe headache
  • Vomittimg
  • Joints may swollen and painful.

Recovery time :

  • Almost all cases may recover within 3 to 5 days.
  • Some patients might have persistence joint pain for months.
  • Children may display neurological symptoms.

Treatment :

  • There is no specific treatment and vaccination for chikungunya.
  • Just symptomatic treatment.
  • Rest 
  • Give more fluids and water
  • Antipyretics
  • Anti convulsants        

Prevention :

  • The best way is to avoid mosquito bite.
  • Use mosquito repelants.
  • Were long sleeves and pents.
  • Do not store water in open container so that they do not become breeding sites for mosquitoes.
  • Cover tanks or container for water for domestic use.
  • Do not accumulate trash, despose of trash in your yard.
  • Cut your grass regularly to destroy potential breeding or resting site.
  • Use mesh or screens on your windows and doors.

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