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What are the cause of piles?

While the presence of piles/hemorrhoids is a result of natural anatomy, most people and care professionals refer to hemorrhoids as an unusual occurrence because they arise only when they swell and cause problems. Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when the pressure in the small vessels that make up the hemorrhoid is increased, causing them to swell and swell with blood. It leads to a rise in size that contributes to symptoms. A variety of factors can cause increased pressure. Let us check out some causes of piles in this article.  The primary cause of piles may include: Stress Straining while passing tool Sedentary lifestyle  Inadequate fluid intake  Lake of fiber in the diet Genetic predisposition to piles Constipation and diarrhea  Pregnancy Constant heavy lifting  Being obese Sitting a long period of time on the toilet Constant standing for long hours at a stretch  Previous surgery of the bowel  Constriction of intestine following a surgery  Spinal cord injury leads t

What are the symptoms of piles?

The symptoms of piles are not serious. They normally resolve on their own after some days. Patients of piles may experience the following symptoms. Let us check out some symptoms of piles in this article.  Symptoms of Piles include:  Extreme itching around the anus. Bright red bleeding from the anus.  Pain during a bowel movement.  Anal itching.  Mucous discharge from the anus.  Irritation and pain around the anus.  Fecal leakage.  Hard lump around the anus.  The anal region is red and sore.  Swelling near your anus.  Pain occurs during passing a stool.  Infection. 

Category Piles

What are Piles/Hemorrhoids? Fast facts on piles Homeopathic medicine for Hemorrhoids/Piles   What are the different types of piles? Can homeopathic cure piles permanently? What are the symptoms of piles? What are the causes of piles? What are the complications of piles? What exercises good for piles? Why choose homeopathy treatment for piles?

Can homeopathic cure piles permanently?

Yes, Homeopathic medicine for piles cures patients with piles. By comparison to traditional drugs, homeopathy has its medicines proven on humans where the medications are proven on lower animals. Homeopathic medicines, therefore, have proof of specific action on hemorrhoids / Piles disease that serves as justification or significant explanation for the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in the care of piles patients. The homeopathic practitioner considers the structure of a patient that suffers from the piles and the medical examination of the chosen treatment on the plexus and rectum hemorrhoids sphere.   Specific homeopathic remedies are also prescribed for hemorrhoids such as Aesculus, Nux Vomica, etc, but this treatment should only be used under medical supervision. The treatment of piles is done without surgery and without hospitalization with homeopathic. The homeopathic doctor recommends a particular diet based on the pile's constitution of the patient. 

What are the different types of piles?

Inside your anal canal, the internal piles start, but they may hang down and so come out of your anus. Internal piles can be classified based on whether the anus comes out and, if so, how far it comes out. Let us check out different types of piles in this article.  There are generally four types of piles.  Internal piles  External piles  Prolapsed piles  Thrombosed piles  Classification of Internal Piles:   First-degree pile:  Piles can bleed at first degree, but don't come out of your anus. Second-degree pile: When you have a bowel movement, second-degree piles come out of your anus but then go back inside on their own. Third-degree pile: Piles of the third degree come out of your anus and go inside only when you force them in. Fourth-degree pile:  Fourth-degree piles are always out of your anus partially because you can not push them back in. If the blood inside them clots, they can become very swollen and painful. External Piles: 

Homeopathic remedies for Hemorrhoids | Piles

Hemorrhoids, with a swollen appearance, are tender and painful. - Aesculus Hippocastanum   Hemorrhoids are swollen and protrude like a bunch of grapes. They are soothed by cold soaks may be helped with this remedy. - Aloe  Hemorrhoids often associated with anal itching and burning, with a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. - Graphites Relieve hemorrhoids caused by a sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and drinking, especially spicy food and alcohol. - Nux Vomica  Hemorrhoids are itchy and uncomfortable with sticking pains. This is a very helpful remedy for hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy or menstrual periods. - Pulsatilla  Itching, burning, oozing with a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen. The anus is inflamed, red and protrudes significantly. - Sulphur   Hemorrhoids with sore and bruised feelings especially when straining or over-exertion. - Arnica Montana  Hemorrhoids with bleeding and itching in the anal region, and causing

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