Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica
Miasm: Psora
Temperament: Irritable
Relation with hot and cold: Very chilly person
Diathesis: Scrofulous
Founder: Samuel Hahnemann
Founder: Samuel Hahnemann
General analysis:
- It is a powerful anti psoric remedy
- Pulverise the purest black lead taken from a fine English pencil and prepare the triturations and dilutions in the usual fashion
- Crude and coarse people who do a lot of physical work like labourers
- Fat, chilly and costive with swollen lymphatic glands
- The tendency towards obesity is marked
- This is due to malnutrition and imperfect assimilation
- Stout and anaemic with a tendency to skin affection and constipation
- Hair is blonde with pale face and a low spirited
- In women, obesity is associated with habitual constipation and history of delayed menstruation
- It medicine for menopause period
- Timid
- Unable to decide
- Tendency to start
- Music make to weep
- Indecision, despondency, apprehensive
- Nervous while sitting at work
- Wants of disposition to work
- Headache in the morning on a walking
- Mostly one side with leaning to vomit also called migraine
- The rush of blood to the head with flushed face and distension, epistaxis and flatulence.
- Rheumatic pains on one side of head extending to neck and teeth
- Feels pithy and numb
- Sensation like a cobweb on the forehead
- Itchy, humid eruption on the hairy scalp
- Emitting a fetid odour
- Cataleptic condition
- Eyelids swollen and red
- Blepharitis
- Dryness of lids
- Eczema and fissured lid
- Ophthalmia with intolerance of artificial light
- Cracking in ears when eating
- Dryness in the inner ear
- Hears good in noise
- Difficult of hearing
- Eruption and moisture behind ears
- The explosion in the ear like the retort of the gun
- Hissing feeling in the ear
- Fissure in and behind the ear
- Thin white scaly membrane tympani feels like exfoliated epithelium
- Abnormal smell
- Cannot tolerate the smell of a flower
- Fissure and scabs in the nostril
- Sore on blowing it is painful internally
- Itching pimples on the face
- Moist eczema around chin and mouth
- Eczema on nose
- Erysipelas stinging and burning sensation
- Sensation like cobwebs was on the face
- Breath smell like urine
- Burning blisters on the tongue with more salivation also called aphthae
- The rotten odour from the mouth
- Sour eructation
- Hot drinks disagree
- After eat sweet feels nauseate
- Aversion to meat
- Vomiting and nausea after each meal
- Pressure in stomach
- Morning sickness during menstruation
- Flatulence
- Difficult eructation
- Burning sensation in the stomach when hunger
- Contractive feeling in the stomach
- Recurrent gastralgia
- Stomach pain relieved after eating temporary, milk, hot drink and lying down
- Hardness and fullness in the abdomen
- Incarcerated flatulence must loosen cloths
- The abdominal ring is painful when pressing it
- Nausea feeling in abdomen
- The swollen and sensitive inguinal region also called inguinal hernia
- Croaking pain in the stomach
- Very fetid gas is pass precede by colic
- Chronic diarrhoea
- Stool liquid, brownish, undigested and offensive
- Constipation
- Difficult, large knotty stool cover by mucus thread
- Very fetid sour odour
- Sour anus smarting and itching
- Burning haemorrhoids
- Prolapse, stool, diarrhoea, fluid mix brownish with the undigested substance also called lienteric
- Varices of the rectum
- Fissure in anus
- Sour smelling urine
- Turbid urine with a sediment
- Herpetic eruption on organ
- Aversion to coition
- Sometimes too early or sometimes no ejaculation
- Increase sexual desire with debility
- Pale and scanty look
- Too late menses with constipation
- Tearing pain in epigastrium and itching before menses
- Cold, coryza hoarseness of voice, morning sickness and sweat during menstruation.
- Swollen and hard mammae
- Induration of uterus, ovary and mammae in cancerous affection
- Leucorrhea thin, pale, profuse, white and excoriating
- Leucorrhea with back pain and great weakness
- Nipple cracked, sore and blistered
- Decided aversion to coitus
- Pain in the middle of the chest with scraping, soreness and cough
- Constriction of chest
- Spasmodic asthma
- Suffocation lead to wake up from sleep and must eat something
- Inability to control vocal cord
- Skin affection with chronic hoarseness
- Hoarseness on beginning to sing
- Edema of lower limb
- Pain in the shoulder, back limb and nape of the neck
- Spinal pain
- The lumbosacral region is painful with great weakness
- Between two thigh excoriation formation
- Left hand numb
- Nail of fingers black, round and thick
- Toenails crippled
- Contraction and stiffness of toes
- Nails painful, sore, thick, deformed and crippled
- Foot sweat offensive
- Fingertips are fissures and cracks
- Swelling in feet
- Swelling and induration of gland
- Chronic poison oak
- Acne and pimples
- Every little injury suppurate
- Unhealthy skin
- Early-stage of fibroma and keloid
- Hard, rough and persistent dryness in a portion of skin unaffected by eczema
- Oozing, eruption out of sticky exudation
- Rawness in a bend of limbs, neck, groin behind ears
- Cracks in mouth, anus, nipple and between toes
- Ulcer discharge thin sticky, glutinous skin
- Phlegmonous erysipelas face with stinging and burning pain
- At night
- After and during menses
- Warmth
- From wrapping up
- In dark
- Complementary with Argentum Nitricum, Caust, Hep, Lyc, Ars, Tub
- Compare with Petroleum, Sulpher, Fluoricum Acidum
- Antidote with Aconite, Arsenicum Album, Nux vomica
- Sixth to thirtieth potency