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Sulphur Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica


Another name: Flower of sulpher


Common name: Brimstone

Introduction : 
  • Sulpher is a polychrest remedy
  • It is a king of anti psoric
  • It is a non-metallic yellow and brittle substance
  • It is found in plenty in Sicily and Italy
Miasm: Psora

Temperament: Nervous temperament 

Relation with hot and cold: Hot

Diathesis: Scrofulous

  • Suited to lean stoop-shouldered person
  • who walk and stooping, walk stooping an old man
  • < when standing
  • Patient can not stand
  • Standing position is very uncomfortable and unbearable
  • A dirty and filthy look of the body
  • Redness of all external orifices
Clinical use:
  • Acne
  • Anaemia
  • Asthma 
  • Biliousness 
  • Boils 
  • Brain complaints 
  • Catarrh
  • Cough 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Dysentery 
  • Eye affection 
  • Eczema
  • Emaciation 
  • Enuresis
  • Epilepsy 
  • Eructation 
  • Eruptions
  • Feet burning 
  • Perspiring 
  • Fever 
  • Gout 
  • Haemorrhoids 
  • Headache 
  • Liver affection 
  • Menopause 
  • Neuralgia 
  • Pleurisy 
  • Pregnancy disorders 
  • Skin affection 
  • Rheumatism 
  • Throat and lung affection 
  • Vertigo 
  • Worms 
  • Acidity  
  • Very forgetful
  • Busy all the time
  • Difficult thinking
  • Delusion
  • Very selfish
  • Childish peevish in grown people
  • Irritable
  • Religious melancholy
  • Aversion to business
  • Imagine giving the wrong thing to people
  • Depressed
  • Heaviness and fullness of head
  • Pressure in temples
  • Heat on top of the head
  • Beating headache
  • Worse stooping and with vertigo
  • Periodically sick headache
  • Dry scalp, falling of hair
  • Tinea cavities
  • < washing, itching, scratching cause burning
  • Holo around lamp light
  • Burning ulceration of lids
  • The first stage of ulcer of the cornea
  • Burning in eye
  • Chronic ophthalmia
  • Parenchymatous keratitis
  • Bad effect of suppression of an otorrhoea
  • Whizzing sensation in ears
  • Oversensitive to voice
  • Deafness
  • Herpes around nose
  • Imagine foul smells
  • Scabby
  • Polypus and adenoids
  • Chronic dry scabs, dry catarrh and bleeding
  • Dry lips, bright red, burning lips
  • Bitter taste in mouth in the morning
  • Swelling of gums
  • Throbbing pain
  • Tongue white with red tip
  • Jerk through teeth
  • Pressure as from a lump, splinter, as of a hair 
  • Burning, dryness and redness 
  • The ball seems close and pharynx to rise
  • Complete loss of appetite
  • Putrid eructation
  • Food tastes salty
  • Drinks much, little eat
  • Aversion to milk
  • Desire for sweets
  • Acidity, sour eructation
  • Burning, painful, pressure in the stomach
  • Weak and faint at 11 am
  • At 11 am must something to eat
  • Nausea during acidity
  • < at pressure 
  • An internal feeling of sourness and rawness
  • Movements like something alive
  • Pain and soreness in the liver
  • Colic after drinking water
  • Burning and itching in the anus
  • Piles
  • The frequent, hard, unsuccessful desire for knotty, insufficient stool
  • Redness and itching around the anus
  • Morning diarrhoea with drives out of bed and painless
  • Prolapse of rectum
  • Haemorrhoids

  • Bring and Oppression sensation in the chest
  • Hard respiration; wants windows open
  • Aphonia
  • Heat all over chest
  • Red, brown spots all over chest
  • Loose cough < at talking, morning
  • Greenish, purulent, sweetish expectoration
  • Rattling of mucus
  • Chest feels heavy
  • Stitches, with heart feeling too large and palpitating
  • Pleuritic exudations
  • Stitching pains shooting all over the back
  • Worse lying on back or breathing deeply
  • Flush of heat in the chest rising to head
  • Oppression, from a load on chest
  • Dyspnea in middle of the night
  • Relieved by sitting up
  • Pulse faster in the morning than in the evening
  • Drawing pain stuck between shoulders
  • Hardness of nape
  • Sensation like vertebra glided over each other
  • Trembling in hands
  • Hot, moist hands
  • Rheumatic pain in left shoulder
  • Paretic, Heaviness feeling
  • Perspiration armpits, smelling like garlic
  • Drawing and tearing pain in arms and hands
  • Can’t walk erect
  • Ganglion
  • Stiffness of knees and ankles
  • Burning in hands and soles at night
  • Gout, with itching
  • Jerks, talk and twitches during sleep
  • Vivid dreams during sleep
  • Singing wake up
  • Wakes up suddenly and frequently
  • Wakes up from slight noise
  • can't sleep between 2 am to 5 am
  • Scaly, dry and unhealthy skin
  • Every little injury suppurates easily
  • Skin effects after local medication
  • Pruritus
  • Burning and itching worse after washing and scratching
  • Pimply eruption
  • Excoriation of skin in folds
  • Micturation especially at night
  • Enuresis in scrofulous child
  • Burning in urethra during urination
  • Pus and mucus in urine
  • Always hurry, sudden call to urination
  • Colourless urine

Female Sexual Organs:
  • Burning vagina
  • Offensive perspiration
  • Menses short, late, scanty and difficult
  • Thick, black and acrid menses
  • Menses make part sour
  • Nipples smart, burn and cracked
  • menses stopped suddenly by headache
  • Excoriating and burning leucorrhoea
  • Dysmenorrhoea
Male Sexual Organs:
  • When going to bed itching in genitals
  • Organ cold, powerless and relaxed
  • Stitching pain in penis
  • Emissions involuntary
  • Great thirst and dry skin
  • Sweat on occiput and nape at night
  • Sweat on a single part
  • Remittent fever
  • Violent heat of the whole body
  • Hot flushes
  • < When standing, at rest, warmth in bed, bathing, 11 am, night, periodically
  • > Dry, lying on the right side, from drawing up affected limbs
  • Compare: Acon often follows after sulphur in acute diseases
  • Mercur and Calcarea are frequently useful after Sulphur
  • Acts in all potencies from lowest to the highest
  • Some of the best results are got from the higher, and not too frequent doses 
  • The twelfth potency is perfect for starting treatment
  • Higher and lower according to the susceptibility of the patient
  • In chronic cases 200th and upward

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