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Asterias Rubens Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica

Asterias Rubens

Common name: Starfish, Red starfish

Asterias Rubens

Founder: Petroz

Family: Radiata

  • This medicine is prepared from starfish to belong to the natural order of radiata
  • It shows its pathogenetic relationship to sepia and Murex
  • Which are prepared from cuttlefish and purple fish respectively
  • Medicine prepared from fish
  • Acne
  • Apoplexy
  • Cancer
  • Convulsion
  • Constipation
  • Epilepsy
  • Headache
  • Diarrhoea
  • Uterus affection
  • Heart affection
  • Hysteria
  • Ulcer
Sphere of action: 
  • It mainly acts on Circulation
  • Nerves
  • Female sexual organs
  • Rectum
  • These remedies produce a disturbance of the circulation with pulsation and congestion in head, womb and chest
  • Acting on the female sexual organ it produces great excitement
  • It suited to the flabby, lymphatic constitution with a red face
Temperament: Irritable temperament

Diathesis: Sycotic diathesis

Miasm: Sycotic and psora

  • Easily excited by any emotion
  • Nervous
  • Sad
  • Anxious
  • Apprehensive 
  • Impatient 
  • Slightest cause moves the tears
  • A hallucination that he is away from home hears voice and replies
  • Sense of impending misfortune
  • Fears bad news
  • Desire to weep
  • Shocks in brain
  • Throbbing, heat in the head 
  • Cannot bear contradiction 
  • Feel like head surrounded by hot air 
  • Vertigo when walking 
  • The sensation of fullness in the head
  • The rush of blood to head sensation like the head would bust
  • Pain in occiput
  • Head pain making difficult to walk
  • Cerebral congestion with obstinate constipation
  • Feel like emptiness in head
  • Eyes are turning backwards 
  • Free margin of the eye is red 
  • Winking of eyelids
  • The weary look of the eye 
  • Heat and redness in the eye 
  • The difficulty of bearing the light
  • The dullness of hearing in the right ear
  • Noise in the ears like waves
  • Violent pain in the ears
  • Epistaxis
  • Coryza and sneezing in the morning on waking
  • Red
  • Acne on the side of nose, chin and mouth 
  • Acne at the age of adolescence
  • Flushed face
  • Stupid meaningless expression in face
  • Profuse flow of saliva 
  • Swelling of tongue
  • Heaviness of speech
  • Pulling pain in the tongue
  • Dull pain in the oesophagus
  • Pressing pain in the throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Aversion to meat
  • Frequent eructation 
  • Constrictive pain in at the precordial region
  • Pulling in the abdominal wall
  • Violent colic with flushes of heat on the face
  • Dull pain in the right side of the abdomen near the umbilicus
  • Ineffectual Desire 
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Watery, brown, gushing out in a jet
  • Stool like olives
  • Obstinate constipation
  • Hard round ball like stool
  • Several soft stools in the day time
Urinary organ: 
  • Heat in urethra while urine passes out 
  • Frequent urination
  • Clear, profuse or, thick and slimy urine
Male sexual organ: 
  • Erotic thoughts
  • Frequent erection during sleep and in the morning
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Breast swell and pain worse left side
  • The excitement of sexual  instinct with nervous agitation
  • Colic and another suffering stop with the appearance of flow
  • Ulceration with sharp pain radiate to scapula
  • Pain radiate to left-hand finger
  • Pain worse by motion
  • Dull aching, neuralgic pain in mammary gland
  • Nodes and induration of mammary gland
  • Mastitis
  • Left breast feels like pulled inward
  • Twitching in the womb
  • Delayed menses
  • Dampness of vagina
Nervous system: 
  • Epilepsy preceded by twitching all over the body
  • Gait unsteady. Muscles refuse to obey the will 
  • Neuralgia of the left breast and arms
  • Pain under the sternum and muscles of the precordial region
  • Numbness of the left side finger and hand
  • Breast pain extends to the inner arm and tip of the little finger
  • Cancer of mammae in the ulcerative stage
  • The auxiliary gland is swollen, hard and knotted
  • Lancinating pain. 
  • Anxiety at the heart
  • The strong and frequent beating of a heart
  • Palpitation
  • Pulse hard and frequent
  • Jerking palpitation
  • Acne
  • Itchy spot
  • Without liability and elasticity
  • Psoriasis and herpes with worse left arm and neck
  • Fetid ichor
  • Worse at night and damp weather
  • Dry, harsh skin
  • Itch
  • Tetters
General Modality:
  • Aggravation: Night. Cold damp weather, coffee, left the side
  • Antidote: Zincum Metallicum, Plumbum met
  • Compare Arsenicum Album. Conium Mec. Carbo Vegetabilis, Thuja, Murex, Sepia
  • Follows well: Belladonna, Carbo Animalis, Conium Mac, Silicea, Sulpher, Calcarea Carbonica
  • Incompatible: Coffea, Nux vomica
Dose: Sixth potency

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