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Homeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently. Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse. It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of acne vulgaris. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider.

Best homoeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris :

Homeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris in the different condition is following below.

Main medicine grows at the age of puberty: Asterias Rubens

If acne is too much red, itching, burning then: Radium bromide

If the woman has a problem with uterus: Hydrocotyle

In the very worst case give morning and evening: Arsenicum Iodum

If acne growing during menses: Sanguinaria

Simple: Kali Bromium

Acne rosacea: Sulpher, Aurum Muriaticum

Acne of an anaemic girl at puberty with a menstrual problem : Calcarea phosphoric

If no specific signs found or if the above drugs fail then this is a combination: Carbo, vegetabilis, Silicea, Sulpher

In a fatty person with dry skin acne on face and shoulder : Antrim crude

Acne burning and painfull red in colour: Belladonna

Acne on the nose this is an excellent medicine: Arsenicum album

Remarkable medicine for acne on lip and nose: Borax

In humid weather acne on  face around menses: Dulcamara

Acne in fatty person on the roots of hair bleeds on scratching: Calcarea Carbonica

Acne after vaccination: Thuja

Acne on the face best medicine: Berberis Aquifolium

Acne is due to use of severe cosmetics: Bovista

Acne on face and around ear with yellow secretion discharge : Calcarea Sulph

Acne aggravates during and after menses: Graphitis

Simple an indurated acne, blackhead, red pimple on nose, mouth and chin painfull acne: Eugenia

Red acne on hairy part itching worse by scratching : Fagopyrum

The red on the forehead and cheeks: Ledum pal

Acne on the nose: Causticum

Acne on the face, shoulder and chest, with increase sexual urge: Kali Brom

The overweight girl who have delayed menses: Pulsatilla

Female who have constipation acne on the face appear before the beginning of menses: Magnesia Muriaticum

Itchy acne on oily cheeks: Natrum muriaticum

Acne with a gastric problem: Nux vomica

All type of acne with oily skin: Psorinum

Excessive sweat along with acne on the face, with pus: Silicea

Acne with a liver problem: Juglans cinerea

Acne is very painfull feel like a splinter in the skin : Hepar Sulph

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