Main difference : In simple word, h yperthyroidism is increased levels of thyroid hormones and in another case, hypothyroidism is decreased levels of thyroid hormones. Let we check out some other differences one by one below : Difference between hypothyroid and hyperthyroid : In hyperthyroidism, heart rate is low where in case of hypothyroidism heart rate is high. Cardiac contractility and cardiac output are low in hypothyroid where both are high in the case of hyperthyroid. Peripheral vascular resistance is high in hypothyroid where peripheral vascular resistance is low in the case on hyperthyroid. Renal blood flow is low in the case of hypothyroid where it is high in hyperthyroid. Hyperthyroidism can lead to thyrotoxicosis and grave’s disease whereas hypothyroidism does not produce those diseases. Metabolism is faster in hyperthyroidism as compare to hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is treated by supplements of thyroid hormones while hyperthy...
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