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Abies Nigra Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica

Abies Nigra

Other names: Black spruce

Abies Nigra

Common name: Pinus nigra, Double spruce

Founder: Dr leaman, Ohio medical and surgical reporter

Habitat: Northern part of North America

Preparation: Tincture of the gum

  • Cough
  • Dyspepsia
  • Haemorrhage
  • Malarial fever
  • Constipation
  • Eructation
  • Bad effect of tea and tobacco
General analysis:
  • Powerful and long-acting medicine for various disease
  • Most of the symptoms are associated with stomach and gastric symptoms
  • The dyspeptic problem of aged after tea and tobacco with functional heart symptoms
  • Constipation with pain in external meatus
  • Stomach feels like the hard body, the hard-boiled egg had lodged there
  • Wakeful at night with hunger
  • Guernsey says that pain in the stomach come after eating
  • Tea
  • Tobacco
  • Nervous
  • Unable to think
  • Melancholy
  • Unable to study
  • Very law spirited
  • Dizziness
  • Severe dull headache
  • The bad feeling in head
  • Hothead with flushed cheeks
  • Dull during the day, awake at night
  • Left external meatus painful
  • Feels like Sensation of something sticking in oesophagus toward its lower end
  • Choking sensation in the throat
  • Pain in stomach always after eating
  • Due to hunger wakeful at night
  • Total loss appetite at morning but craving for food at noon and night
  • Feels like a painful lump, a hard-boiled egg was lodged in the cardiac end of the stomach
  • Constant distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach like everything knotted up
  • Offensive breath is known as halitosis
  • Dyspepsia
  • Painful sensation like something was lodged in the chest
  • Feeling like chest  has to be coughed up
  • Lungs feel compressed
  • Lungs can’t  be fully expanded
  • Water brash succeed cough
  • Dyspnea worse lying down also called orthopnea
  • Sharp cutting pain in the heart
  • Heart’s action is slow and difficult
  • Pain in the lumbar region
  • Aching and rheumatic pain in the bone
  • Restless and wakeful at night
  • Hungary feeling at night
  • Bad dreams
  • Heat and cold alternate
  • Chronic intermittent fever
  • Fever with pain in the stomach
  • Malarial fever.
  • < after eating
Relationship: Compare with China, Bryonia Alba, Pulsatilla

  • First to the thirteenth potency

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