Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica
Trillium Pendulum
Common name: Wake Robin
Another name: White beth root
Founder: H. Minton
Family: Smilaceac
- A general hemorrhagic medicine
- Associated with great Faintness and dizziness
- A tincture prepared from the fresh root
- Bladder catarrh of climaxes
- Fibroma haemorrhages from
- Fainting with flooding
- Postpartum haemorrhages
- Antepartum haemorrhage
- Menorrhagia
- Metrorrhagia
- Uterine haemorrhage
- Threatened abortion
- Pain in the forehead
- Confusion
- Worse at the slight noise
- Eyeballs feel large
- Everything looks bluish
- Vision blurred also called amaurosis
- Haemorrhage from nose
- Epistaxis
- Hemorrhage from gums also called scurvy
- Bleeding after tooth extraction
- Flooding with fainting
- Faint, dim light, palpitation in ear
- Obstruction and noise in the ear
- Heat and burning pain in the stomach
- Rising up in oesophagus also called Hyperchlorhydria
- Hematemesis
- Haemorrhage from lungs
- Haemorrhage from kidney
- Haemorrhage from uterus
- The character of blood is usually profuse, bright red
- Flow may be active or passive
- Menses every two weeks, lasting a week for long and very profuse
- Menorrhagia
- Metrorrhagia
- Flow profuse and guessing
- Bright red in colour
- Flow profuse at least momentarily, from displacing the uterus
- At the climacteric every two week
- Dark clotted blood
- Relaxation of the pelvic region
- Cramp like pain in the pelvic region
- Guessing of bright red blood on least moment
- Haemorrhage from fibroid
- Prolapse with bearing down sensation
- Leucorrhea copious, yellow and stringy
- Lochia suddenly sanguineous
- Dribbling of urine after labour
- Incipient phthisis with bloody sputa
- Copious, purulent expectoration
- Troublesome cough
- Phthisis with purulent and copious expectoration and splitting of blood
- Cough with hemoptysis also called phthisis
- Aching pain at the end of the sternum
- Suffocative attack with irregular breathing
- Sneezing
- Shooting pain in the chest
- Sensation like hips and small of back were falling to pieces as if sacroiliac synchondroses were following apart
- Want to be bound tightly as if the bone of pelvis were broken with haemorrhage
- Chronic diarrhoea of a bloody mucus
- Dysentery
- Passes almost pure blood
- Passive hematuria
- Chronic catarrh of the bladder
- Diabetes
- Complementary: Calculate phase in menstrual and hemorrhagic affection
- Compare: Trillium Cernuum, Ficus Religiosa, Ipecac, Sabina, Lachesis, Hamamelis
- Tincture and lower potencies