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Showing posts with the label Drugs

Nux Vomica Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica Nux vomica Common name:  Poison nut Founder:  Hahnemann  Family:  Loganiaceae Introduction:   Nux vomica is the male counterpart of pulsatilla and Ignatia It is the most frequently look before medicine in the box of every homoeopath The first remedy indicated after much dosing with allopathic drugs The best remedy with which to commence treatment of cases That has been drugged by various schools. Hahnemann's greatest polycrest remedy Applicable to both acute and chronic case The remedy for any of the conditions incidental to and arising from the so-called modern civilized life A suitable remedy for people of every age sex and temperament The remedy which is capable of working wonders for people of all walks of life from the lowest to the highest standard in both civilized and uncivilized classes It is a unique gift from the vegetable kingdom The t

Justicia Adhatoda Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of our materia medica Justicia Adhatoda  Common name:  Vasaka.  Arusha.  Adhatodai.  Malabar nut.  Baidyamata. Family:  Acanthaceae Clinical:    Bronchitis.  Pneumonia.  Phthisis.  Hemoptysis.  Cough. Coryza. Jaundice.  Constipation.  Vomiting. Introduction: Excellent in all acute cough and cold.  Proclaimed that no death can take place from any kind of cough. Mind:   Oversensitive to external impression.  Anxious.  No desire to talk.  Low spirited.  Despondent. Head:   Burning sensation over the forehead.  Hot the sensation on head.  Pulsating sensation both temples.  The heaviness of head.  Fullness of head. Eyes:   Burning in the eye.  Dimness of vision.  Lacrimation with coryza.  Watery discharge from the eye. Ears:  Intolerance of sound.  Pain in the ear. Nose:  Swelling in the nose.  Profuse coryza with sneezing and headache.  Obstruction of the nose with snuffles.  Loss of sm

Bismuthum Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica Bismuthum Common name: Hydrated oxide of bismuth - B12 O3 OH2, Precipitated subnitrate of bismuth Founder: Hahnemann Miasm: Psora and syphilis Introduction:  It is a metal It mostly uses for stomach problem The chief action of this drug is catarrhal inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal Mind  Nervous system Clinical:   Acidity Cholera Cough Diarrhoea Delirium Headache  Gangrene Mind:   Desire to company always Great anguish and restlessness Solitude is unbearable is most imp symptoms Complain about his condition.Discontented Notice in children who hold mother’s hand for company and would not let her go away  He sits, walks and then lies, never remain for long in one place Delirium tremens with loss of consciousness Mental apathy with insensibility Mental complaint aggravate in summer, heat, abdominal operation Mouth:  Tooth pain better by cold water in the mouth Gums swo