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Nux Vomica Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica

Nux vomica
Common name: Poison nut

Nux Vomica

Founder: Hahnemann 

Family: Loganiaceae

  • Nux vomica is the male counterpart of pulsatilla and Ignatia
  • It is the most frequently look before medicine in the box of every homoeopath
  • The first remedy indicated after much dosing with allopathic drugs
  • The best remedy with which to commence treatment of cases
  • That has been drugged by various schools. Hahnemann's greatest polycrest remedy
  • Applicable to both acute and chronic case
  • The remedy for any of the conditions incidental to and arising from the so-called modern civilized life
  • A suitable remedy for people of every age sex and temperament
  • The remedy which is capable of working wonders for people of all walks of life from the lowest to the highest standard in both civilized and uncivilized classes
  • It is a unique gift from the vegetable kingdom
  • The tree is grown as a wild plant found in the equatorial region
  • This crude from there may not be anything more bitter than its seed
  • It is also very poisonous
  • After undergoing the process of potentisation bitterness and the poisonous effect of the Seetha transformed into a marvellous curative power
  • Affecting each and every organ and system
  • The historic invention of Hahnemann of this Wild seed millions of suffering Perl could not have been redeemed of there various ailments
  • Just as the nux vomica seed is bitter most poisonous and wild so also are the nux vomica patients the drug itself difficult to study
  • Anger
  • Alcoholism
  • Asthma 
  • Bilious attack
  • Bronchial trouble
  • Bladder affection
  • Constipation
  • Colic
  • Convulsion
  • Cough
  • Croup 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Delirium
  • Dysentery
  • Dyspepsia
  • Fever
  • Gout
  • Gall stone
  • Gastrointestinal disorder
  • Headache
  • Heart attraction
  • Haemorrhoids 
  • Hernia 
  • Liver affection
  • Locomotor ataxia
  • Labour
  • Lumbago
  • Menstrual disorder
  • Pregnancy disorders
  • Paralysis
  • Sleep
  • Tenesmus
  • Throat and lung infection
  • Urinary disorder
  • Vertigo
Sphere of action: 
  • Every organ is susceptible to the action of Nux vomica
  • It predominant acts on the spinal cord, motor and sensory centres, gastrointestinal tract, brain, respiratory organ, cardiovascular system, genitourinary organ
  • Nux vomica is ideally suited to the thin spare subject with dark hair and a dark complexion. 
  • Who leads a sedentary life
  • Nervous 
  • Extremely susceptible to external impression
  • Habituated to over study. Zealous and hypochondriac
  • People of all walks of life from the highest to the lower standard richest to poorest civilized or uncivilized
Temperament: Bilious, Sanguine, Irritable and impatient temperament

Relation with heat and cold: Very chilly patient

Miasm: Psora

  • Very irritable
  • Sensitive to all impression
  • Careful
  • Fastidious
  • Jealous 
  • Despondent and quarrelsome 
  • Spiteful and malicious
  • Ugly
  • Cannot bear order, light and noise 
  • Does not want to touch
  • Melancholic
  • Disposed to anger
  • Egoism prevails supreme in him
  • Anxiety and irritability with inclination to commit suicide prevail through the patient is afraid to die
  • Want to be alone
  • Easily become angry at the very silly matters
  • Trifling ailments are unbearable every harmless word offends
  • Time passes to slowly
  • Disposed to the reproach other
  • ill-humoured
  • Find fault with everybody and scold them
  • Mental derangement in drunkards. Low muttering delirium
  • Headache in the occiput all over the eyes with vertigo
  • Gastric headache
  • Congestive headache
  • The heaviness of head especially in the morning
  • The patient feels the head would burst
  • Pressure in the head
  • The scalp is very sensitive to touch
  • Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness
  • Oversensitiveness
  • Brain feels as if turning in a circle
  • Frontal headache
  • Pressing pain in the vertex as if the nail was one driving in
  • Vertigo in the morning and after dinner
  • Desire to press the head against something 
  • Headache associated with haemorrhoids
  • Headache in the sunshine
  • Sunstroke
  • Smarting dry sensation in the inner canthi
  • Photophobia worse in the morning
  • Optic nerve atrophy from the habitual use of intoxicants paresis of ocular muscles
  • Worse by tobacco and stimulants
  • Intra orbital neuralgia with watering of the eye
  • Orbital twitching radiating towards the occiput
  • Optic neuritis.
  • Auditory canal dry and sensitive
  • Itching in ear throughout the eustachian tube
  • Hyperesthesia of the auditory nerve
  • Otalgia was in bed
  • Loud sound is painful and angers him
  • Orders tend to produce fainting
  • Coryza fluent at daytime
  • Stuffed up especially at night
  • Stuffy colds
  • Snuffles after exposure to a dry cold atmosphere
  • Worse in a warm room
  • Stuffed up at night and outdoors
  • Epistaxis in the morning
  • Acrid discharge but with a stuffed
  • Stuffed up feeling
  • Foetid ulceration in the mouth
  • Jaw contracted
  • Foetid and Sour taste in mouth in the morning
  • Anterior half of the tongue clean and the posterior coated white, furred, cracked on edges
  • Sometimes the tongue is yellow, thick and ulcerated and cracked
  • Toothache worse from cold and better from the warmth
  • Small aphthous ulcers with bloody saliva also called stomatitis
  • Gums white and bleeding
  • Stitching pain in the throat radiating to ears on swallowing
  • Ulceration extends to throat from mouth
  • Tingling sensation in the uvula
  • Rough, scrap feeling in throat
  • Tickling after waking up in the morning
  • A sensation of tightness and tension 
  • Pharynx constricted
  • Uvula swollen
  • Stitches extend to the ear
  • Stomach troubles are caused by coffee, tobacco, alcohol, spice, seasonal food, irregular diet, overeating, aromatic patent, medicines, purgatives 
  • A sensation of weight and pain in the stomach
  • Flatulence
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pyrosis 
  • Tightness
  • Sour bitter eructation
  • Constant nausea after eating especially in the morning
  • It feels that if I could only vomit I would be so much better 
  • Very hungry yet there is an aversion to food
  • Gastritis
  • Gastralgia and dyspepsia
  • The stomach is very sensitive to touch and pressure
  • Intolerance of tight bandage around the waist
  • Abdomen is bloated
  • Pressure an hour or two after eating as from a stone
  • Cannot use the mind for 2 to 3 hours after food
  • Vomiting of bile
  • Vomiting in pregnancy
  • Constrictive cramp-like pain in the stomach
  • Flatulent
  • Distension with spasmodic colic
  • Which is aggravated by uncovering
  • Sour taste and nausea in the morning after eating
  • Nausea and vomiting with much retching
  • Ravenous hunger especially about a day before an attack of dyspepsia. 
  • Desire for stimulants
  • Loves fats and tolerate them well
  • Dyspepsia from drinking strong coffee
  • Difficult belching of gas
  • Wants to vomit but cannot
  • Enlarged liver in drunkards 
  • Stitching pain and soreness in liver
  • Shortness of breath caused by upward pressure of the gas with an ineffectual urge for stool and urine
  • Stabbing pain from a hepatic abscess
  • Gallstone with Jaundice
  • Flatulence
  • Distension with spasmodic colic
  • Colic from uncovering
  • Bruised sore of abdominal walls
  • Weakness in the region of abdominal ring
  • Strangulated hernia
  • Forcing in of lower abdomen towards the genitals
  • Umbilical hernia in the infants
  • Great tenesmus and mucus with stool
  • Frequently ineffectual urging with griping pain and soft stool
  • Passes small quantity of stool with mucus and blood at a time 
  • Heat sensation of not finished
  • Constipation with ineffectual desire for stool and urine
  • Constrictive sensation in rectum and anus
  • Protruding by blind piles after stool
  • There are temporary relief and satisfaction only again to renew the urge suddenly. 
  • Sensation as if more stool remains to be evacuated 
  • Obstinate constipation and diarrhoea alternate in a person who has taken purgatives during all though there previous years
  • Diarrhoea alternate with constipation in a person
  • Frequent desire for stool
  • The stool is watery and offensive
  • Urge for stool in the morning after rising or after mental exertion
  • Feeling like a part remained unexpelled
  • Absence of all Desire for defecation is a contraindication
  • Urge for a stool if felt throughout the abdomen
  • Itching, blind haemorrhoids
  • Dysentery
  • Diarrhoea with Jaundice
  • Constant uneasiness in the rectum
Urinary organ: 
  • Ineffectual urging for urination
  • Micturation is very painful
  • The pain extended to genital organs and leg
  • Urine passes in drops with burning, tearing pain in urethra
  • Urine may be mixed with blood due to renal stone
  • Irritable bladder
  • From spasmodic sphincter frequent calls little and often hematuria
  • Renal colic spending two genitals with dribbling urine while micturation
  • Itching in the urethra pain in the neck of the bladder
  • Emission from high leaving
  • Easily excited. Desire
  • Constrictive pain in the testicles 
  • Bad effect of sexual excesses
  • Orchitis
  • Hydrocele
  • Spermatorrhoea with dreams
  • Backache
  • Burning in the spine
  • Weakness and irritability
  • Menses too early, long-lasting keeping on for several days
  • Irregular menses
  • Dark and offensive blood
  • Prolapsus uteri
  • Menses never in time
  • Stopping and starting again menses in two weeks
  • Dysmenorrhea with pain in the sacrum and constant urging to stool
  • Violent spasmodic labour pain-causing sudden urge to pass stool and urine
  • The tendency to faint after every labour pain
  • Labour pain extends to the rectum
  • Metrorrhagia with sensation as if the bowels wanted to move
  • Spasmodic constriction
  • Asthama with fullness in the stomach in the morning or after eating
  • Cough with Shallow respiration
  • Oppressed breathing
  • Violent cough
  • Cough with sensation as if something had been torn loose in the chest
  • Dry hacking cough at times with hemoptysis
  • Cough brings a bursting headache and bruised pain in the epigastric region
  • Backache in the lumbar region
  • Sitting is very painful
  • Back is very sensitive to touch
  • Numbness of the back as if paralysed
  • Backache from sitting on a cold stone, sexual excess and from masturbation
  • Must sit up and turn the body in bed before he can look around
  • Backache worse 3 to 4 A.M
  • Cervical branchial neuralgia
  • Burning in the spine.
  • Bruised pain below the scapula
  • Partial paralysis
  • From overexertion or getting shocked arms and hands
  • Go to sleep paresis of arms with shocks
  • Legs numb feel
  • Paralysed cramp in calves and soles
  • A sensation of sudden loss in power of arms and legs in the morning
  • Crackling in the knee joint during motion
  • Drags his feet when walking also called locomotor ataxia
  • Drowsy after meals and in every evening
  • Cannot sleep after 3 a.m. till towards the morning
  • Wake up feeling wretched better after a short sleep 
  • Dreams full of bustle and hurry
  • During fever, the patient must be covered from head to foot in every stage chill, heat and sweat
  • Intermittent fever
  • Cold stage predominates
  • Very chilly on list movement or being uncovered
  • Chill not relieved by external heat during chill stage
  • There is excessive Rigor and shuddering
  • Excessive Rigor with blueness of fingernails
  • Aching in Limbs and back and gastric symptoms
  • Chilly must be covered in every stage of fever
  • The dry heat of the body
  • The whole body burns hot with red and hot face until the patient cannot move or uncover without being chilly
  • Perspiration sour only one side of the body
  • Urticaria with gastric derangement
  • Acne
  • Skin red and blotchy body
  • Burning hot especially the face yet cannot move or uncover without filling Chilly
General modalities: 

  • Morning
  • Waking at 4 AM
  • By mental exertion
  • Touch
  • Noise
  • Light
  • Dry weather
  • Cold
  • After eating
  • Overeating
  • Anger
  • Spices
  • Narcotics 
  • Stimulants
  • In the evening
  • Lying down
  • In damp wet weather
  • Rest
  • Hard strong pressure
  • Complementary to Sulphur in all disease, Sepia
  • Inimical to Zincum metallicum must not be used before or after
  • Follows well after Arsenic album, Ipecac, phosphorus Sulphur, Sepia is followed by Bryonia Alba, Pulsatilla Sulphur
  • Compare with Kali carb, Lycopodium, Graphites
  • Antidotes with Coffea, Ignacia, Cocculus
  • First to 13th potency
  • Higher potency note Nux vomica is said to act best when giving in the evening

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