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Acute Otitis Externa | Aetiology | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment | Prevention

Acute otitis externa is the acute inflammation of the external auditory canal. It may be generalised or localised.  The localised variety presents as a furuncle in the ear. The generalized type may be infiltrative with thickening of tissues or it may be desquamative.  Aetiology : It occurs at any age. Water entering the ear may carry with it organisms which may cause acute otitis externa.  Damp climate may also cause it.  Scratching the ear causes abrasions which may get infected.  Discharge from the middle ear may cause a secondary infection of the external auditory canal.  Diabetes may cause severe otitis externa which is very painful and also leads to paralysis.  Pathology : A furuncle is usually a staphylococcal infection affecting a hair follicle or a sebaceous gland.  Generalized otitis externa is the result of staphylococcal, streptococcal or gram-negative bacillary infection. Symptoms : Pain in the presenting symptom which may be severe as the skin is

What is Uterine fibroid? Definition | Cause | Types | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment

Definition : It is benign of tumour or growth arising from the muscular layer of the uterus with intervening fibrous tissue. Cause : Age :  Seen after menarche to menopause. Average - 30 to 35 years. Rare - before puberty and after menopause. Hereditary : History of tumour in the family.  Parity : Common in nulliparous. Mechanical stress : Fibromsculor reaction of the uterus to mechanical stress.  Ovarian function : Not clear but the oestrogen is responsible for the growth of fibroid so during pregnancy fibroid increase in size and reduces after menopause.  OCP ( Oral Contraceptive Pills ) Types of fibroid :  Uterine fibroid : 1. Corporeal fibroid : Interstitial  Subserous  Submucous  2. Cervical fibroid : Interstitial or Intramural fibroid : Growth of fibroid in myometrium may push itself to form submucous or subserous. Commonest variety. A posterior wall more affected than the arterial wall. Subserous fibr

Nux Vomica Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica Nux vomica Common name:  Poison nut Founder:  Hahnemann  Family:  Loganiaceae Introduction:   Nux vomica is the male counterpart of pulsatilla and Ignatia It is the most frequently look before medicine in the box of every homoeopath The first remedy indicated after much dosing with allopathic drugs The best remedy with which to commence treatment of cases That has been drugged by various schools. Hahnemann's greatest polycrest remedy Applicable to both acute and chronic case The remedy for any of the conditions incidental to and arising from the so-called modern civilized life A suitable remedy for people of every age sex and temperament The remedy which is capable of working wonders for people of all walks of life from the lowest to the highest standard in both civilized and uncivilized classes It is a unique gift from the vegetable kingdom The t