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What are different type of asthma?

In a person who has asthma, the muscles of the bronchial tubes get tight and thick. The air passage becomes irritated and inflamed and fills with mucus. This makes it difficult for air to move through the tubes, making it hard to breathe.  If you have diagnosed with asthma, it difficult to find what kind of asthma you have. if you have knowledge about the type of asthma can help you feel better informed about how to manage it.   Types of asthma are the following: Allergic asthma  Non-allergic asthma Occupational asthma Seasonal asthma  Exercise includes asthma Childhood asthma Adult-onset asthma Severe asthma Difficult asthma Brittle asthma Medical professionals gave rank asthma into four types from mild to severe. Types are determined by the frequency of your asthma symptoms and their severity are following below.  Mild persistent asthma Mild intermittent asthma Moderate persistent asthma  Severe persistent asthma

Fast facts on piles

Piles OR Hemorrhoids usually develop after the age of 30.   Piles OR Hemorrhoids do not discriminant by gender. They are common in both men and women.  Risk factors for developing Piles OR Hemorrhoids are inactivity and not getting enough fiber in the diet.  Some signs associated with Piles OR Hemorrhoids include discomfort pain, blood in stool and swelling around the anus.  If Piles OR Hemorrhoids left untreated, it can increasingly painful.  Symptoms of Piles OR Hemorrhoids get worse over time. As they progress, it may prolapse, or protrude, from the anus.  The good facts about Piles OR Hemorrhoids are that the symptoms are highly treatable. Almost 1 out of 20 Americans affect Piles of Hemorrhoids. It affects at least half of the population.  Napolean had Piles OR Hemorrhoids during the battle of waterloo.  Pregnancy can cause them.  Cold surfaces cause Piles OR Hemorrhoids.  Avoid exercise if you see symptoms of Piles OR Hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids OR Piles increase the

What is piles?

Piles are also called as another name hemorrhoids. Piles are a collection of inflamed tissue in the anal canal or anal region. They contain blood vessels, muscle, support tissue, and elastic fiber. They can have a range of sizes, and they may be different types such as internal or external.  Internal piles are normally located between 2 to 4 cm above the opening of the anus. External piles normally occur on the outside edge of the anus.   Piles occur due to constipation, diarrhea, lifting heavyweight, pregnancy, or straining when passing the tool.  Symptoms of piles:  Extreme itching around the anus Bright red bleeding from the anus Pain during a bowel movement Anal itching For detailed information:  Read more >> Symptoms of piles   Cause of piles:  Stress Straining while passing tool Sedentary lifestyle  Inadequate fluid intake  Lake of fiber in the diet Genetic predisposition to piles For detailed information:  Read more >> Ca

Why choose homeopathy treatment for piles?

In the case of piles, the reason why homeopathy is most demanded is that traditional medicine leads to surgery to get relief from the problem.  Whereas homeopathy offers natural and chemical-free medicines that treat the root cause of the piles and homeopathy cures piles permanently .  Treat the problem of piles: Piles is a health problem that is supported and aggravated primarily due to wrong eating habits, a person who tends to sit too long, and excessive constipation.  One of the important things that you can do in the course of getting the problem under control is to start eating healthy food in a proper way and fix time. Eating high-fiber foods that speed up the digestive system can go a long way to alleviating the pain.  It may also be necessary to maintain more and more liquid intake. Choosing regular exercise and indulging in exercises that support healthy intestines. Besides this, you may also be able to do your own to ensure the right professional medical assist

What exercise is good for piles?

Exercise can easily reduce the symptoms of piles . You go for exercise the list is provided below. Yoga asanas also help to reduce the symptoms of piles and get relief from piles. Let us check out some exercise and yogas for piles in this article. There are different types of piles with their levels so if you are a patient of the initial level of piles then you are beneficial for exercise.  Exercise for piles:  Deep breathing exercise  Stretching exercise  Aerobics Brisk walking  Kegal exercise 3 times every day Pelvic floor exercise Relax your anal sphincter Steps of Kegal exercise following below.  It is akin to the action you do when you hold urination. Contracting your pelvic muscles.  Squeeze and hold for three seconds then relax for more than 3 seconds.  Repeat 10 times per session of the exercise until you can do as many as 15 times. Yoga Asanas to cure piles:  Pawanmuktasana OR Wind Relieving Pose  Malasana OR Garland Pose  Balasana 

What are the complicatios of piles?

Piles can be chronic and painful, but complications of piles are rare. Rarely, a thrombosed type of piles may rupture. If they do happen, they might include the following complications.  depending on their cause . Let us check out some complications of piles in this article.  The complications of piles include: Anemia:  They can deprive your red blood cells of oxygen if hemorrhoids bleed too much. This can cause fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches, and dizziness as your body's supply of blood carries less oxygen. Prolapse: When you sit or pass a bowel movement, prolapsed hemorrhoids may cause pain or discomfort. Blood clots:  Thrombosis is more likely to be an actual hemorrhoid problem. Blood clots can cause discomfort and scratch increasingly unbearable. Hygienes: Piles cause complications associated with hygiene, as the anal area become difficult to clean after the defection. Several infections:  Bacteria may become bleeding hemorrhoids and infect the

What are the cause of piles?

While the presence of piles/hemorrhoids is a result of natural anatomy, most people and care professionals refer to hemorrhoids as an unusual occurrence because they arise only when they swell and cause problems. Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when the pressure in the small vessels that make up the hemorrhoid is increased, causing them to swell and swell with blood. It leads to a rise in size that contributes to symptoms. A variety of factors can cause increased pressure. Let us check out some causes of piles in this article.  The primary cause of piles may include: Stress Straining while passing tool Sedentary lifestyle  Inadequate fluid intake  Lake of fiber in the diet Genetic predisposition to piles Constipation and diarrhea  Pregnancy Constant heavy lifting  Being obese Sitting a long period of time on the toilet Constant standing for long hours at a stretch  Previous surgery of the bowel  Constriction of intestine following a surgery  Spinal cord injury leads t