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Difference between homeopathic and allopathic

Homeopathic :


  • Discovered by Dr.Hahnemann.
  • Homoeopathy is defined by Samuel Hahnemann, The basic idea is that any disease is solely and fully characterized by observable symptoms. 
  • Based on the Law of Similars and easily comprehensible principles.
  • Individualisation is given great importance.
  • Since they believe in individualisation there are no specific drugs.
  • They practice mono pharmacy.
  • They use a minimum of potentized doses.
  • It treats the individual as a whole.
  • Homoeopathy is based on natures law of cure.
  • The action of the drugs used in homoeopathy are known as they have been previously proved on a healthy human being.
  • They believe the disease is due to miasms.
  • homoeopathy strictly prohibits the use of external application.
  • They annihilate and remove the disease totally.
  • Homoeopathy believes the body's natural response by attacking the root cause of the disease the symptoms of healing.
  • The individuality of the symptoms & responses includes in each of them the difference in the treatment prescribed.
  • Homoeopathy aids the body's ability to heal itself by improving the immune system of the body that gives a holistic approach to health.
  • High on individuality, Homeopathic medicines are always prescribed for the complete package that is the individual so naturally the medicine will change for different persons.
  • It is a well-known fact that harm is bound to be caused by anything taken in excess. So why is it that homeopathic medicines do not cause harmful effects if you take them excessively due to negligence or think they are placebo?
  • Homoeopathy helps the body to heal itself by improvising its immune system.
  • Homeopathic medicine is sweet in taste.
  • homeopathic medicine is safe medicine. no any infection occurs in the body after taking that medicine.

Allopathic :

  • Developed from the empirical method. It has no originator.
  • Allopathy as defined by Samuel Hahnemann, Allopathy is largely obsolete and disused.
  • Not based on any law or fixed principle.
  • No individualisation.
  • They use specific drugs.
  • They practice polypharmacy.
  • They use large physiological doses.
  • It treats the common symptoms of the disease under a certain diagnosis.
  • Allopathy is not based on natures law of cure.
  • The action of the drugs used in allopathy is unknown as regards to the effect on the human.
  • They believe the disease is due to material cause.
  • Allopathy believes in practice with external application.
  • They palliate and suppress the disease without curing.
  • Allopathy believes in suppressing the symptoms of a disease.
  • The theory of allopathy is based on the fact that with the aid of medications, illnesses can be managed.
  • Allopathic practitioners are limited because they only focus on the symptoms not the cause their approach that aims to treat the illness only.
  • Almost no individualization, if two person are suffering from flu then they have a common medicine for both of them in allopathy.
  • Allopathy has its own chain of side effects.
  • Allopathy depends mainly on three things hypothesis, experimentation and the outcome of the experiment. 
  • Allopathic medicine bitter in taste.
  • Allopathic medicine is harmful. Infection occur in the body after taking this medicine. 

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