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Menorrhagia | Definition | Aetiology | Clinical features | Investigation | Management

Definition : 
  • Menorrhagia is a profusion  and to protected menstruation.
  • Excessive discharge of blood occuring at the menstrual period.
  • It is important to emphasise that the menstrual cycle is unaltered, bleeding associated with irregular cycle should not be regarded as menorrhagia.
  • Menorrhagia common in premenopausal women.
Aetiology :
  • General disease- hypertension, chronic congestive failure, chronic nephrosis, nutrition vitaminosis, or defective nutrition, severe anaemia, leukemias.
  • Worry, sorrow.
  • Sexual excesses,  prolong eating of Aspirin.
  • Endocrine disorder -  hypothyroidisum or hyperthyroidism.
  • Dysfunctional uterine hemorrhage
  • Pelvic cause - uterine malformation, double uterus.
  • Pelvic endometriosis, chocolate cyst of the ovary, uterine fibroid.
  • Pelvic inflammation,
  • Adenomyosis, chronic endometritis, carcinoma of   endometrium.
  • Hormonal distrubance.
Clinical futures : 
  • Menorrhagia is itself a symptoms.
Symptoms :
  • General due to blood loss - weakness, palpitation.
  • Menorrhagia may be associated with polymenorrhoea and metrorrhagia.
  • Pain may or may not be present.
Sign :
  • General due to blood loss - Poor health, anaemia, high pulse rate.
  • Bimanual examination - uterus is usually felt normal size and consistency.
  • Vaginal examination - ovaries may be enlarged investigations Mere Saiya are to be remain friend the investigation is to be conducted.
Investigation :
  • Complete blood count.
  • Blood routine examination for any infection.
  • Hormonal assay.
  • Endometrial curettage.
  • X-ray for T.B.
  • Cytological smear.
  •  B.M.R and P.B.I test.
  • Coagulation factor studies.
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin level.
  • Thyroid function test and prolactin level.
  • Liver function test.
  • Renal function test.
  • Iron studies.
Other diagnosis :
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Papanicolaou smear.
  • Pelvic ultasonography.

Prognosis : 
  • The prognosis depend entirely up on our ability to discover and remove the cause.
Management :
  • The treatment of menorrhagia is essentially the treatment its causes this is only a symptom.
  • Removal of cause.
  • Reassurance.
  • Operative D and C.
  • Improves general health by adequate diet.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
Homoeopathic medicine :

Belladonna :
  • Profuse bright red discharge.
  • Imparting  a sense of heat.
  • Violent pressinhg down sensation everything would come out through genitals.
  • Throbbing headache.
  • Backache.
Platina :
  • Too long and too profuse menstruation.
  • Discharge partly fluid and partly in clots.
  • Great pressing down in the genitalia.
Sabina :
  • Very profuse debilated menses.
  • Discharge partly pale red and partly clotted blood.
  • Labor like pain drawing down in groin.
  • Drawing, tearing pain from back through the pubis.
  • Plathoric women with habitual menorrhogia.
Secale core :
  • Too profiles and too long continuous menstruation.
  • Discharge dark liquid blood increase by motion.
  • All her common elements worse just before the menses.
Crocus sativus :
  • Regular menses.
  • Too profuse and long-lasting.
  • Discharge dark, clotted and stringy blood.
  • Lest moment increase the flow.
Trillium :
  • Menses lasting too long.
  • Discharge at first bright red but grows pale.
  • Between the period profuse Leucorrhoea of a yellowish colour and creamy consistency.
Ustilago :
  • Climacteric period.
  • Flooding lasting for week.
  • Blood dark coloured with many clots,
  • Chronic uterine haemorrhage.
  • Vertigo.
  • Ovarian irritation.
Biochemic remedy :

Calcarea flour :
  • It is the chief remedy to tone up contractile power of the uterus.
  • Menorrhagia with excessive bearing down pain.
  • Generally associated with displacement of the uterus.
Ferrum phose :
  • To be taken between the menstrual period.
  • To prevent the blood engorging the womb.
  • Discharge of bright red blood.
  • Coagulating quickly.
 Calcarea phos :
  •  Menorrhagia inter currently in all cases to tone up general symptom.
Other treatment :
  • Iron supplement to treat anaemia.
  • Rest
  • Yoga.

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