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Sepia officinalis Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of our materia medica

Sepia officinalis

Common name : Inky juice of European cuttlefish.

Introduction :
  • Available in many high street.
  • Chemists and health food shops.
  • It can be used in so many different circumstances.
  • It can be difficult to self-prescribe.
  • One of the most common purposes for it is used is womens problems.
  • Many aspects of the female reproductive system.
Temperament : Nervous

Relation with heat and cold : Very chilly

Miasm : psora and sycotic

Constitution :
  • Weak person with earthy, yellow skin.
  • Shallow skin.
  • Yellow spots on chest.
  • Yellowish conjunctiva and face.
  • Tell tale face to indicate internal derangement like a recording clock moth spots .
  • Cachectic yellow face with yellow saddle across the nose.
  • Male type of pelvis in women.
Condition :

  • Flatulence
  • Insomnia
  • Menopausal hot flushes
  • Morning sickness
  • Painful periods
  • Thrush
  • Toothache
  • Backache
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Cramp in calf muscles
  • Cystitis
  • Exhaustion
  • Faintness
Mind :
  • Irritable easily offended.
  • Indifferent to loved once.
  • Very sad.
  • Dreads to be alone.
  • Easily weeps when telling symptoms to other.
  • Wants to be alone.
  • Averse to occupation to family.
  • In evening anxious feeling.
  • Indolent.
Head :
  • Headache in terrible shocks at the menstrual period with scanty flow.
  • Vertigo associated with something rolling out in head.
  • In left side of head  and forehead stinging pain within outward and upward.
  • Prodromal symptoms of apoplexy.
  • Stinging pain in head with nausea and vomiting.
  • Aggravated in doors and lying on painful side.
  • Cold feeling in vertex.
  • Jerking sensation in head forward and backward.
  • Hair falling.
  • dandruff in scalp.
  • Fontanelles are open.
  • Sensitive roots of hair.
  • Pimples on face on forehead near the hair margine.
Eyes :
  • Tarsal tumors also called styes in eye.
  • Ciliary irritation, ptosis in eye.
  • Muscular asthenopia.
  • Black spot in field of vision.
  • Asthenic swelling associate with uterine problem.
  • Eye problem worse in morning and evening.
Ears :
  • Swelling ans eruption i external ear.
  • Herpes on the nape of neck behind ear.
  • Subcuteneous ulceration painful.
Nose :

  • Nose thick plugs and crusts.
  • Thick, greenish discharge also called ozena.
  • Yellowish saddle across the nose.
  •  Chronic nasal catarrh.
  •  Post nasal dropping of heavy, lumpy discharge, must be hawked through the mouth.
  •  Pain at the root of nose.
  •  Atrophic catarrh with greenish crust from anterior nose.
Face : 

  • Yellow blotches also called chloasma.
  • Paleness and yellowness around the mouth.
  • Rosacea.
  • saddle like brownish patches around the nose and cheek.
Mouth :
  • Salty putrid taste in mouth.
  • White coated tongue.
  • Tongue clear during menses.
  • Cracking and swelling of lower lip.
  • Pain in  teeth from 6 p.m till midnight.
  • Worse on lying down.
  • Foul tongue.
Stomach :
  • Feeling of goneness.
  • Goneness feeling not relived by eating.
  • Nauseated feeling as smell of food.
  • Nausea worse lying on painful side.
  • Tobacco dyspepsia.
  • Salty taste of everything.
  • Hypochondria.
  • Vomit after eating.
  • Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach.
  • Nausea in morning before eating.
  • Craving for acid, vinegar and pickles.
  • Worse after drinking boiled milk.
  • Dyspepsia with bloated abdomen.
  • Sour eructation.
Abdomen :
  • Headache with flatulent.
  • Painful and swollen liver.
  • Pain relieved by lying on right side.
  • Many brown spot on the abdomen also called liver spot.
  • Bearing down and of a relaxation sensation in the abdomen.
Rectum :
  • Bleeding with stool.
  • Fullness of the rectum.
  • Constipation large, hard stool.
  • Sensation of a ball in rectum.
  • Great tenesmus and shooting pain upwards.
  • Dark brown round ball mix with mucus.
  • Difficulty in soft stool great straining.
  • Ani prolapsus.
  • Constant oozing from anus.
  • Infantile diarrhoea.
  • Worse from rapid exhaustion and warm milk.
  • Pain shoot up in vagina and rectum.
Urinary  :
  • Adhesive red sand in urine also called hematuria.
  • Enuresis during first sleep.
  • Chronic cystitis.
  • Bearing down sensation about the pubis with slow maturation.
Male :
  • Condylomata surrounds head of penis also called gonorrhea.
  • Complaint from coition.
  • Cold organs.
  • Perspiration offensive.
  • Discharge from urethra and gleet only at  night.
Female :
  • Pelvic organ relaxed.
  • Bearing down sensation as if everything would through out the vulva.
  • Must cross limb to prevent press against vulva.
  • Leucorrhea  green, yellowish with much itching.
  • Menses too late and scanty.
  • Irregular early and profuse menses.
  • Cutting sharp pain in a lower abdomen.
  • Violent stitches up ward in the vagina from the uterus to the umbilicus.
  • Prolapse of vagina and uterus.
  • Morning sickness.
  • Vagina painful specially during coition also called dysparunia.
Respiratory :
  • Fatiguing, dry cough coming from the stomach.
  • Taste of rotten egg with coughing.
  • Oppression pain in chest.
  • Morning and evening cough.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Worse after sleep.
  • Better with Rapid motion.
  • Cough in the morning with profuse expectoration.
  • Cough is salty in taste.
  • Hypostatic pleuritis.
  • Whooping cough that drags on.
  • Cough excited by tickling in the chest and larynx.
Heart :
  • Violent, intermittent palpitation in heart.
  • Pulsation in all arteries.
  • Tremulous sensation with flushes.
Back :
  • Weakness in the lumbosacral region.
  • Pain radiate to back.
  • Coldness between two Shoulders.
Extremities :
  • Lower extremities lame and stiff.
  • Tension in extremities as if to short.
  • Bruised feeling and heaviness in extremities.
  • Restlessness in all limbs.
  • Twitching and jerking sensation in limb at Night and Day also called chorea.
  • Pain in heels.
  • Coldness of leg and feet.
Fever :
  • Frequent flushes of head.
  • Sweat from list motion.
  • Lack of warmth in the body.
  • Feet cold and wet.
  • Shivering with thirst.
  • Worse in evening.
Skin :
  • Itching not relieved by scratching.
  • Herpes circinatus in isolated spot.
  • Itching worse in bands of elbow and knee.
  • Herpetic eruption on nose, lips and around the mouth .
  • Ring worm like eruption in every Spring.
  • Urticaria on going in open air.
  • Urticaria better in warm room.
  • Bromidrosis and hyperidrosis.
  • Lentigo in Young women.
  • Ichtyosis with offensive odour of skin.
  • Perspiration more on foot.
  • Sweat with offensive odor.
Modalities :

Worse :
  • Forenoon and evening.
  • Washing.
  • Laundry work.
  • Dampness.
  • Left side.
  • After sweat.
  • Cold air.
  • Before a thunderstorm.
Better : 
  • By exercise.
  • Presser.
  • Warmth of bed.
  • Hot application.
  • Drawing limbs up.
  • Cold bathing.
  • After sleep.
Relationship :
  • Complementary : Phosphoric acid, Nux vomica, Natrum mur.
  • Compare : Lil t, Murex, Silicea, Sulphur.
  • Inimical : Lach, Pulsa.
Dose :
  • Twelfth, 30 and 200 potency.
  • Should not be used to low or be repeated to frequently.
  •  Dr Jousset's unique experience is that it should be continued for sometime in strong dose.
  • 1 X twice a day.

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