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Ustilago Maydis Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica

Ustilago Maydis

Common name: Corn smut

Ustilago Maydis


  • This remedy was proved by Dr Burt
  • This is a fungus
  • That grows on the Indian corn
  • Proving this remedy brought out a specific affinity for a generative of both sexes
  • Agalactia
  • Menorrhagia, at climaxes
  • Menstruation, excessive, vicarious
  • Affections of nail
  • Orchitis   
  • Rhinitis
  • Scald-head
  • Tonsillitis
  • Alopecia
  • Climaxes
  • Dysmenorrhoea
  • Fibroma
  • Galactorrhoea
  • Menstrual headache
  • Masturbation
  • Affections of left ovary
  • Very depressed
  • Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities
  • Full feeling
  • Irritability aggravate being asked a question or to repeat anything
  • The day passes like a dream
  • Can't bear to see and talk with anyone
  • Very sad
  • Crying frequently
  • Frontal pain in morning and forenoon
  • Headache with smarting pain in eyes all-day
  • Pain with aching distress in eyeballs
  • Fullness in the head in the morning, with a bad feeling in epigastrium
  • Scalp dry
  • Head congested
  • Loss of hair
  • Scald-head
  • Watery serum oozing from the scalp
  • Prickling sensation in the left temple
  • Vertigo, sometimes with double vision
  • Vertigo, sometimes white specks blot out everything
  • After attacks of vertigo with internal heat
  • Vertigo during climaxes with profuse menstruation
  • Headache in the morning, at seven AM and in the evening
  • Aching in eyeballs with marked lachrymation
  • Attacks of twitching in the eye. Aching in eyes and lachrymation
  • The hot sensation on closing lids
  • Weakness in eyes
  • Lachrymation in the eye in the open air
  • Eyelids agglutinated in morning
  • The vision of spots dancing
  • They appear to look in circles and dart from one object to another
  • Continous watery flow from eyes and nose with sometimes chills
  • Eye spasms with the vanishing of vision and head seem to whirl
  • Bright red epistaxis, better pressure
  • Rhinitis, bitter taste, offensive odour
  • Boil in the right nostril
  • Dryness of nostrils with a dry feeling in the skin in the forenoon
  • Burning of face and scalp
  • Congestion in scalp and face
  • Sudden pallor in the face in the evening and when sitting
  • Sometimes looseness of teeth
  • Aching sensation  whole day in decayed upper first and second molars
  • Coated tongue in the morning
  • Bitter, thin, salivation
  • Prickling pain in the tongue
  • Feeling as if something were pressing the roots upward in tongue
  • Coppery taste in mouth in the morning
  • Lancinations in right tonsil
  • Fauces were somewhat swollen when the medicine is taken
  • Hotter and more prone to movement fauces the next day
  • Roughness of fauces
  • Dryness of fauces, with burning dryness in the stomach, with difficulty in swallowing, feeling of a lump behind larynx, later frequent efforts to swallow
  • Left tonsilitis
  • Tonsil congested, dark reddish, right painful on swallowing at two PM
  • Left tonsil painful at nine PM
  • Next morning congestion of left tonsil extending to Eustachian tube and causing pain in the ear
  • Burning pain in the oesophagus at cardiac orifice
  • Thirst at night
  • Pain in epigastrium associated with drawing pain in joints of fingers
  • Burning pain in sternum and cardiac region
  • Distress in the stomach in forenoon and afternoon
  • Hematemesis, accompanied by nausea, better by vomiting
  • Cutting pain in the stomach
  • Eructations of sour fluid and food
  • Pain in stomach mostly in the afternoon
  • Pain in the right lobe of the liver, in the left groin when walking, in umbilicus before natural stool
  • Distress in right hypochondrium and umbilicus
  • Drawing pain in right hypochondrium whole day
  • Periodical cutting pain in umbilical and hypogastric regions at six PM
  • Pain worse at eight PM by a constipated stool, after that grumbling pains in the whole abdomen
  • Pain like intestines were tied in knots
  • Natural stool at four AM
  • Loose stool at four AM, with rumbling pain in the abdomen
  • Soft stool at next day
  • Stool dry, lumpy, two days later black, dry, lumpy
  • Constipated
  • Light colour diarrhoea
Urinary Organs:
  • Tenesmus of bladder
  • Incontinence of urine
  • Scanty, red, acid, high-coloured urine
  • No desire for urine but uneasiness
Respiratory Organs:
  • Feeling like a lump behind larynx, which produces constant inclination to swallow
  • Spasmodic tearing pain at top of the left side and passing to the sixth or seventh rib
  • Pain at three PM when standing or reading
  • Pain worse breathing
  • Aching, burning Pain in the sternum and under it is stomach, with neuralgic pains.
  • Oppression along the median line
  • Left infraclavicular region painful in the morning
  • Constriction sensation with pain
  • Heat and pressure in the chest
  • Burning pain in the cardiac region
  • Sudden flying pain from the heart to the stomach, arresting breathing
  • Bearing down in sacral region as in dysmenorrhoea
  • Changing to the left ovarian region and gradually extending through hip
  • Pain in the lumbar region
  • Pain in back extending to end of the spine
  • Frequent rheumatic pain in arms, fingers, and legs
  • Cutting pain in bones of right hand and foot
Upper Limbs:
  • Stitching pain in metacarpal bone of the right index
  • Pain in the right elbow, worse by motion
  • Hypertrophy of nails and loss of nails
  • Pain in shoulder joints
  • Rheumatic pain in muscles of the right shoulder
  • Rheumatic drawing pain in finger-joints, the worse second joint of right index whole afternoon
  • Intermittent, addictive, tingling feeling every day in the right arm and hand
Lower Limbs:
  • Feet are swollen in the morning
  • Cramp like stiffness in the left leg
  • Cramp worse raising foot so as to press upon toes
  • Uncontrollable masturbation
  • Spermatorrhea with erotic fancies and amorous dreams
  • Emission with an irresistible tendency to masturbation
  • Dull pain in the lumbar region with great despondency mental irritability
  • Spermatorrhoea after onanism
  • Emission every night
  • Talking about women causes an emission
  • Seminal emission and irresistible desire to masturbation
  • Constant aching distress in the testicles especially in the right
  • Pain is  very severe
  • Pain shift suddenly to the bowels
  • The penis is associated with nausea
  • Cold sweat on the scrotum
  • Irritable weakness and male sexual organ relaxation with erotic fancies and seminal emission
  • Vicarious menstruation
  • Ovaries burn, painful and swollen also called ovaritis
  • Profuse menses after miscarriage
  • Discharge of blood from the slightest provocation
  • Bright red partly clotted blood
  • Menorrhagia at climaxes.oozing of dark blood, clotted forming long black strings
  • Uterus hypertrophied also called fibroids
  • Cervix bleed easily
  • Postpartum haemorrhage
  • Profuse lochia
  • Flabby condition of the uterus
  • Haemorrhage
  • Congestion of various parts especially at climacteric 
  • Leucorrhoea is thin yellow, white, colourless except with stool when it is thick white, blood-streaked
  • Excoriating discharge
  • Menses onset to easily
  • Menses too profuse or too scanty
  • Pain from back to loins and womb during menses
  • Crampy pain during menses
  • Great nervous restlessness
  • Flatulence and nausea which is relieved by eating
  • Frequent profuse urination
  • Useful in false pain preceding labour and after pain
  • Frequent and very early miscarriage is causing sterility
  • A reflex symptom from uterine affection
  • Muscular debility
  • Sensation as if boiling water is running along the back
  • Clonic and Tetanic movements
  • Muscular contraction especially of lower limbs
  • Stiff, sore feeling in Nape of neck
  • Feels as if back would break.sacral backache
  • Lower extremities week and heavy
  • Abundant sweat
  • Pulse at first accelerated then enfeebled
  • Palpitation
  • Alopecia
  • The tendency to small boils 
  • Eczema
  • Copper coloured spots
  • Pruritus
  • Sunburn
  • Psoriasis internally and externally
Sleep :
  • Sexual dreams, without emission, and disgusting
  • Waking him in sleep
  • Urinated with difficulty and tenesmus
  • Restless at night, with fever, with troubled dreams
  • Difficulty in falling asleep and then unpleasant dreams


  • From movement
  • Before menses
  • In warm room
  • Lying on the affected side
  • Lying down
  • In open-air
  • Compare: Secale Cornutum, Sabina 
  • Tincture to the third potency

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