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Showing posts from July, 2017

Keratosis obturans | Definition | Aetiology | Clinical features | Treatment

Definition : Keratosis obturans is a rare external auditory canal disease. It is seen as a pearly white mass surrounded by granulations which can cause absorption of bone of the external auditory meatus due to pressure. It may be unilateral or bilateral. Accumulation of keratin debris deeper within the external auditory canal, which may cause inflamed epithelium and bone remodelling. Aetiology : Age :  It is usually between 15 to 20 years. Association :  Bronchiectasis. Chronic paranasal sinus disease. Clinical Features : Severe pain. Deafness is present. Otorrhoea may occur. External auditory canal shows acute otitis externa . Facial palsy is rarely present. Conductive hearing loss. Treatment : Usually treated by EAC toilet: For removal of the keratin plug Rarely needs surgical intervention. Granulation tissue may be managed by removal, cauterization, or the use of topical steroid drops.

Eczematous Otitis Externa | Definition | Clinical Features | Treatment

Definition : This is one type of allergic dermatitis of the external auditory canal of the ear.  Clinical Features : Irritation and oedema of the canal may occur. Weeping eczema with crusting occurs in chronic cases. Secondary infection may lead to acute otitis externa .  Stenosis gradually occurs, due to oedema and fibrosis.  Fissuring and scaling of the external canal at the entrance is the result of a chronic allergy. Treatment : 1. Acute stage : Steroids applied locally are very helpful. Antibiotics are administered locally and systemically. Antihistamines are prescribed.  2. Chronic stage : The steroid with antibiotics is very helpful.  10 % of silver nitrate is applied to fissures. Dilatation of stenosis by indwelling polyethene tubes or plastic surgery may be required.

Otomycosis | Aetiology | Pathology | Symptoms | Treatment

Otomycosis is one type of fungus infection. It becomes very common in the rainy season. It is a very painful infection accompanied by itching. It is an otitis externa caused by the fungus.  Aetiology : Moisture: Water entering the ear, as a result of swimming or taking a bath, may carry the fungus into the ear. The fungus gets implanted in the skin of the ear canal and grows luxuriously, as humidity is provided by water and heat is provided by the body.  Antibiotics: Prolonged use of antibiotics drops kills the bacteria, thus fungus may start growing unhindered. Causative organisms: Aspergillus niger is one of the commonest fungus causing the infection. Monilial and other fungal infections which affect the skin may also be responsible.  Pathology : The fungus tends to invade the deep layers of the skin, and hence the treatment should be given for a long time, till the fungus extending into the deeper layers of the skin has been cleared up. Secondary bacteri...

Asterias Rubens Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica Asterias Rubens Common name: Starfish, Red starfish Founder: Petroz Family:  Radiata Introduction:   This medicine is prepared from starfish to belong to the natural order of radiata It shows its pathogenetic relationship to sepia and Murex Which are prepared from cuttlefish and purple fish respectively Medicine prepared from fish Clinical:  Acne Apoplexy Cancer Convulsion Constipation Epilepsy Headache Diarrhoea Uterus affection Heart affection Hysteria Ulcer Sphere of action:   It mainly acts on Circulation Nerves Female sexual organs Rectum These remedies produce a disturbance of the circulation with pulsation and congestion in head, womb and chest Acting on the female sexual organ it produces great excitement Constitution:   It suited to the flabby, lymphatic constitution with a red face Temperament: Irritable temperament Diathesis:  Sycotic diathes...

What is Prolapse? Definition | Cause | Classification | Clinical Features | Diagnosis | Treatment

Definition : Herniation or protrusion of a pelvic organ into or out of vaginal canal call the prolapse. Cause : Atonicity or asthenia following menopause is most an important factor of prolapse.  During menopause most of the women's pelvic muscle and the ligament that support genital tract become slack and atony because of deficiency of oestrogen.  Major or minor degree prolapse can occur soon after childbirth which can be improved by pelvic floor muscle exercised. A birth injury like obtaining or tear cause anonymity.  Delivery at home by untrained dai who ask a female to bear down before full dilatation of the cervix.  The prolonged second stage of labour which stretching of uterosacral ligament.  Ventous extraction of a foetus before full dilatation of cervix without any application of forceps.  False method of a downward vigorous push to the uterus to expel placenta. Laceration of the perianal body during c...

Homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroid

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of uterine fibroid. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for uterine fibroid : Homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroid  in the different condition is following below. Fibroid with profuse and protected bleeding: Phosphorus Fibroid with obesity: Thyroidinum Uterine  fibroid with chilliness: Calcarea Carbonica Fibroid with clotted bleeding: Sabina Fibroid with irritability, indifference and bearing down pain: Sepia Fibroid with menses appear very frequently, at short interval  with severe cramping pain in uterus: Thlaspi bursa pas...

Homeopathic medicine for keloid

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of keloid. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for keloid : Homeopathic medicine for keloid  in different condition are following below : Best medicine: Thiosinaminum Best medicine: Hekla lava Keloid in early stage  : Graphites Keloid is painfull:  Silicea Keloid with sharp splinter like pain: Nitric acid Keloid with itching: Fluoric acid Keloid formation at vaccination site: Thuja Keloid formation after traumatic and surgical injuries : Calendula Keloid formation on scar due to burning: Causticum Stony hard and whi...

Homeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris

The good news is homoeopathy can help bring rapid relief doing so safely and gently.  Homoeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies, thereby significantly reducing the chances of recurrence and relapse.  It is very economical and has no side effect and one of the best alternatives for the treatment of acne vulgaris. If you find yourself with cough here are some homoeopathic remedies to consider. Best homoeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris : Homeopathic medicine for acne vulgaris in the different condition is following below. Main medicine grows at the age of puberty: Asterias Rubens If acne is too much red, itching, burning then: Radium bromide If the woman has a problem with uterus: Hydrocotyle In the very worst case give morning and evening: Arsenicum Iodum If acne growing during menses: Sanguinaria Simple: Kali Bromium Acne rosacea: Sulpher, Aurum Muriaticum Acne of an anaemic girl at puberty ...

Acute Otitis Externa | Aetiology | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment | Prevention

Acute otitis externa is the acute inflammation of the external auditory canal. It may be generalised or localised.  The localised variety presents as a furuncle in the ear. The generalized type may be infiltrative with thickening of tissues or it may be desquamative.  Aetiology : It occurs at any age. Water entering the ear may carry with it organisms which may cause acute otitis externa.  Damp climate may also cause it.  Scratching the ear causes abrasions which may get infected.  Discharge from the middle ear may cause a secondary infection of the external auditory canal.  Diabetes may cause severe otitis externa which is very painful and also leads to paralysis.  Pathology : A furuncle is usually a staphylococcal infection affecting a hair follicle or a sebaceous gland.  Generalized otitis externa is the result of staphylococcal, streptococcal or gram-negative bacillary infection. Symptoms : Pain in the presenting...