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Abies Canadensis Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica

Abies Canadensis

Founder: Gatchell

Family: Coniferae

Another name: Pinus Canadensis

Abies Canadensis

Common name: Hemlock spruce, Canada balsam

Habitat: An evergreen tree found in rocky woods in the United States and British America

Preparation: Tincture from the young buds and Fresh bad

  • Liver disorder
  • Uterine displacement
  • Indigestion
General analysis:
  • Gastric symptoms are most marked
  • Mucous membranes are affected
  • Catarrhal condition of the stomach
  • Peculiar craving with chilly sensation
  • In women uterine displacement
  • Defective nutrition and debility
  • Skin clammy, cold
  • Want to lie down all time
  • Right liver and lung feel hard and small
  • Gleet.
  • Irritable
  • Tipsy
  • Quite
  • Careless
  • Sensation like swimming of the head
  • Lightheaded
  • Stye in outer canthus of the left eye
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Some thirst
  • Canine hunger
  • Hungry, gnawing, faint feeling in epigastrium
  • Craving for radishes, meat, artichokes, turnips, coarse food
  • A tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion also called bulimia
  • Distension and burning of the abdomen and stomach
  • Gastritis
  • Rumbling in the bowels after eating
  • The sick feeling in the bowels
  • Flatulence is disturbing the heart’s function
  • Pain in the right shoulder
  • Constipation with a burning sensation in the rectum
Respiratory Organs:
  • Laboured breathing
  • Sensation like the right lung were small and hard
  • The action of the heart difficult
  • Heart action Increased  with distension of the stomach
Neck and Back:
  • Feeble feeling in the sacral region
  • Feeling like cold water between the shoulders
Urinary Organs:
  • Frequent urination day and night
  • Urine is straw in colour
  • Sore feeling in the fundus of the uterus
  • Better by pressure
  • Uterine displacements
  • Great weakness wants to sleep all the time
  • Clarke dictionary of practical material medica feels womb is soft and feeble as if it would cause an abortion
  • Chills running down to the back
  • Coldwater sensation between shoulder
  • Night sweats
  • Chills and shivering all over like blood was turned into ice water
  • Compare with Abies Nigra, Thuja, Sabina, Conifers, Nux Vomica
  • First to third potency

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