Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica
Another name: Macrotys
Common name: Black cohosh, Black snakeroot
Founder: Jeans
Family: Ranunculaceae
Temperament: Historical temperament
Relationship with heat and cold: Chili patient
Miasm: Psora in the background
Diathesis: Rheumatic and gouty
Common name: Black cohosh, Black snakeroot
Founder: Jeans
Family: Ranunculaceae
Temperament: Historical temperament
Relationship with heat and cold: Chili patient
Miasm: Psora in the background
Diathesis: Rheumatic and gouty
- Some confusions may arise in the mind of the student due to different name applied to this remedy
- It was a Hughes who preferred it to be called by its Linnaean name Actaea
- Other who support him rank from hering, Clarke Allen, kent whereas it was nash, boerike, roger in opposition who named it as cimicifuga
- Hughe’s pharmacodynamic reveals it Nickname
- The homoeopathic milk for the allopathic babies for his object was evidently to reconcile homoeopathic or at least make it acceptable to the members of the Orthodox School of medicine
- Who born only died child give 1 X for two months before the term
- A tendency to action chest affection
- Disorder of pregnancy
- Headache
- Heart affection
- Breast affection
- Abortion
- Labour
- Menstrual disorder
- Rheumatism
- Vomiting of pregnancy
- Migraine
- Entire nervous system
- Female generative organs
- The Nervous system is concerned it especially on the cerebral spinal nerves and especially on the motor nerves as well as upon the uterus ovaries and joint
- Cerebrospinal and muscular system
- Disturb the nerve centres and produces irritation
- It also increases at arterial tension
- There is no particular look for the patient
- It is full of mental symptoms
- Depression
- Dream of impending evil
- Fear
- Fear riding in a closed carriage and jump out
- Anguish and restlessness
- Fear of death
- Mania which occurs in a nervous historical woman
- Mania after the disappearance of neuralgia
- Puerperal mania - thinks she is going to be crazy, try to injured herself
- There is an illusion of a mouse running under her chair
- Sad
- Melancholic, gloomy
- Delirium tremens
- Low spirited
- A vision of rat mice
- She is bowed down with sorrow and shits and mops in great sadness
- When questioned she will break into tears
- Express her feeling in sadness with chorea and epileptic fits as a reflex symptoms from uterine disease
- Changeable mode
- Physical and mental symptoms are all the time changing
- The mental symptoms following the disappearance of rheumatism are a strong feature
- All the mental symptoms change worse during menstruation and compared to the amount of menstrual flow
- More profuse the flow greater the mental distress
- Headache causing by damp wet weather and clod
- Sensation as if sour, bruised feeling all over the head
- Bruised sensation in the occiput
- Sore feeling on the top of the head
- Sensation as if the top of the head was flying away
- Shooting and throbbing pain in the head from reflex symptoms of the uterus, overstudy and after mental worry
- Brain feels too large with waving sensation or opening and shutting sensation in the head. pain like pressing outward
- Pressing type of headache with Soreness in the back of the neck
- Wild feeling in brain
- Meningitis
- Eyeballs are very sore and severe aching
- Shooting and throbbing pain in the eye
- Feels pain if he turns to head to any direction with ciliary Neuralgia
- Photophobia from artificial light
- Asthenopia with a pelvic problem
- Eye pain radiating to the top of the head
- Pain aggravation from going upstairs, during menses, weather change, cold damp weather
- Better by lying down
- Ears are sensitive ti least noise
- A sinking feeling in epigastrium
- Trembling and pointed tongue
- Vomiting and nausea cause after pressure on the cervical region and spine
- Gnawing pain
- Facial blemish in young women
- Menses delayed by mental emotion and from cold
- Irregular and delayed menses
- Profuse and scanty or suppressed menses
- Coagulated and very offensive blood
- Aggravation from pain during the floor, more the flow greater the pain
- Severe pain before the period of flow
- Pain in ovarian region, across Pelvis, from hip to hip with great sensitiveness
- Pain in ovary shoots upward and down the anterior thigh
- With Manses chorea, hysteria, mania with more rheumatic pain
- Amenorrhea
- Menorrhagia
- Dysmenorrhea
- During pregnancy nausea all the time with sleeplessness
- Pain from hip to hip across the abdomen
- Abortion especially at the 3rd month
- In female who has previously born only dead child from no discoverable cause
- False labour like pain which is sharp and lancinating, electric-like pain in various part from uterine irritation, a uterine region from site to site
- Shivering in the first stage of labour
- Irregular type of pain with rigid os during work
- No dilatation
- Pain sever, spasmodic, difficult. aggravation from least noise
- Severe pain in the uterine region darting from side to side
- Sharp, lancinating, electric-like pain
- Bearing down sensation with the relaxation of the part
- Ovaritis
- Ovarian cyst
- Inframammary pains worse left side
- Cough when secretion is scanty
- Tickling sensation in the throat
- Short dry cough worse at night and by speaking
- Spasmodic dry cough with muscular soreness
- Cough with nervous irritation
- Irregular action of heart with fluttering and quick, irregular pulse
- Sensation as if the heart is enlarged with Sour filling in the region of the heart
- Numbness of left arm, feeling like binding to the side
- Hearts action ceases suddenly with impending suffocation and palpitation
- Tremulous action
- Angina pectoris
- Aggravation of heart activity from lowest movement and during cycles
- Heart trouble is from reflex symptoms of uterus and ovaries
- Stiffness and contraction in back
- Cerebrospinal meningitis
- Cervical spondylosis
- Sensitive spine especially upper part
- Crick in back
- Rheumatic pain in back
- Intercostal rheumatism
- Muscular rheumatism especially affects the bellies of muscles of neck and back
- Commonly affected lumbosacral region and big joint
- Excessive muscular soreness
- Uneasiness, restlessness aching in the limb with pain in the lumbar and sacral region down the thigh
- Stiffness, lameness, in a limb. stitching and cramping pain in limb
- Aggravation by using the arm in sewing, typewriting, piano playing, from cold, damp weather and during menses
- Rheumatism alternate with mental symptoms
- Lack of sleep
- Sleeplessness
- Irritation of the brain in a child during dentition
- For ivy poisoning locally and internally affection of the skin
- From cold. (except headache)
- During menses
- More severe the flow
- Greater the suffering
- By warmth
- Similar: Caulophyilum, Pulsatilla in uterine affection
- Compare: Rhamnus Californica, Derris Pinnata, Caulophyllum, Pulsatilla, Lilium Tigrinum, Agar
- 1st to 13th potency
- The third potency most frequently used