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Abies Nigra Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica Abies Nigra Other names:  Black spruce Common name:  Pinus nigra, Double spruce Founder:  Dr leaman, Ohio medical and surgical reporter Habitat:  Northern part of North America Preparation:  Tincture of the gum Clinical:         Cough Dyspepsia Haemorrhage Malarial fever Constipation Eructation Bad effect of tea and tobacco General analysis: Powerful and long-acting medicine for various disease Most of the symptoms are associated with stomach and gastric symptoms The dyspeptic problem of aged after tea and tobacco with functional heart symptoms Constipation with pain in external meatus Stomach feels like the hard body, the hard-boiled egg had lodged there Wakeful at night with hunger Guernsey says that pain in the stomach come after eating Causation: Tea Tobacco Mind: Nervous Unable to think Melancholy Unable to study Very law spirited Head: Dizziness Severe dull headache The

Homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis

Homoeopathic medicine for tonsillitis in different condition are following below : BELLADONNA : Tonsils are enlarged with redness Burning Dryness Sense of constriction  Symptoms on the right-sided BARYTA CARBONICA : The most prominent remedy for acute tonsillitis. Smarting pain when swallowing Can swallow only liquids Every cold settles in the tonsils and causes inflammation Symptoms appearing on the right side PHYTOLACCA : Especially indicated in the follicular form pain at the root of the tongue Pain extending to the ears when swallowing  The part is dark blue The tonsils are large and blue There is intense dryness Smarting and burning in the throat GUAIACUM : One of the most use full remedy at the commencement of an attack Especially catarrhal tonsillitis  Violent burning Headache Throat hot aggravate chill Aching in back  Pain in limbs Abscesses from quickly FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM : Chronic enlarge hyperaemic tonsils  Smooth swelling  MERC

What is Chikungunya? Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, Homeopathic Medicine

It is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It is caused by alpha virus. The name comes from a word in african language " kimakonde"  means  "bent over in pain". It describe the stooped appearance of persons suffering with severe joint pain.  It transmitted by the female aedes aegyph mosquitoes. This mosquitoes bite mainly during day and rest in dark corners. Incubation period :  Within a week How it spread :  The Aedes aegypti mosquito gets infected by biting the chikungunya patient in the first week of illness. After about eight to ten days of incubation ,the infected mosquito is capable of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life. only the aedes aegypti mosquito that has bitten an infected person can pick up the virus and transmitted to another person. aedes aegypti is a day time biter with peak activity in the late afternoon 4 tp 6 p.m. Symptoms : Eye infection Rashes on trunk,limbs, face, palms, and feet

Abies Canadensis Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica Abies Canadensis Founder:  Gatchell Family:  Coniferae Another name:  Pinus Canadensis Common name:  Hemlock spruce, Canada balsam Habitat:  An evergreen tree found in rocky woods in the United States and British America Preparation:  Tincture from the young buds and Fresh bad Clinical:  Liver disorder Uterine displacement Indigestion General analysis: Gastric symptoms are most marked Mucous membranes are affected Catarrhal condition of the stomach Peculiar craving with chilly sensation In women uterine displacement Defective nutrition and debility Skin clammy, cold Want to lie down all time Right liver and lung feel hard and small Gleet. Mind: Irritable Tipsy Quite Careless Head: Sensation like swimming of the head Lightheaded Eyes: Stye in outer canthus of the left eye Mouth: Dryness in mouth Some thirst Stomach: Canine hunger Hungry, gnawing, faint feeling i

Trillium Pendulum Homeopathic Materia Medica

Guiding symptoms of Matria Medica Trillium Pendulum  Common name:  W ake Robin Another name:  W hite beth root Founder:  H. Minton Family:  Smilaceac Introduction:  A general hemorrhagic medicine Associated with great Faintness and dizziness A tincture prepared from the fresh root Clinical:   Bladder catarrh of climaxes Fibroma haemorrhages from Fainting with flooding Postpartum haemorrhages Antepartum haemorrhage Menorrhagia Metrorrhagia Uterine haemorrhage Threatened abortion Head : Pain in the forehead Confusion Worse at the slight noise Eyes : Eyeballs feel large Everything looks bluish Vision blurred also called amaurosis Nose :   Haemorrhage from nose Epistaxis Mouth:    Hemorrhage from gums also called scurvy Bleeding after tooth extraction Ear: Flooding with fainting Faint, dim light, palpitation in ear Obstruction and noise in the ear Stomach: Heat and burning pain in the stomach Rising up in oesophagus als

Difference between hypothyroid and hyperthyroid

Main difference : In simple word, h yperthyroidism is increased levels of thyroid hormones and in another case, hypothyroidism is decreased levels of thyroid hormones. Let we check out some other differences one by one below : Difference between hypothyroid and hyperthyroid :  In hyperthyroidism, heart rate is low where in case of hypothyroidism heart rate is high.  Cardiac contractility and cardiac output are low in hypothyroid where both are high in the case of hyperthyroid. Peripheral vascular resistance is high in hypothyroid where peripheral vascular resistance is low in the case on hyperthyroid. Renal blood flow is low in the case of hypothyroid where it is high in hyperthyroid.  Hyperthyroidism can lead to thyrotoxicosis and grave’s disease whereas hypothyroidism does not produce those diseases. Metabolism is faster in hyperthyroidism as compare to hypothyroidism.  Hypothyroidism is treated by supplements of thyroid hormones while hyperthyroidism is treated

Dengue fever definition | Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Definition : Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by dengue virus which belongs to the family Flaviviridae. These mosquitoes are then transmitting the virus to humans. The virus that causes dengue is called an arbovirus. These viruses are 4 distinct types named DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. A prevalence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus together with the circulation of dengue virus.   In simple words it is a viral infection caused by four distinct viruses we can see above occurs through mosquito bites. Incubation Period : 2 to 7 days Symptoms : Mild dengue fever : Usually, begin four to six days after infection and it lasts up to 10 days. Some common symptoms are following below : Primary symptoms of dengue appear three to five days after the mosquito bite. Sudden high fever Chill Severe headache  Vomiting  Fatigue Nausea  Extreme weakness Red-eye  Mild bleeding   Pain : Severe joint and muscles pain Pain behind the eye Rash  Low back p